This is the Ryton thread, right?!
I did a bit of digging on the involvement of Sport England in Planning Applications (
There are lots of links and policy documents, but to try and summarise, an application which resulted in the loss of sports pitches would oblige the Local Planning Authority (in this case Rugby Borough Council) to consult Sport England. A condition of any permission would almost certainly be to provide replacement pitches in “a suitable location”. On top of that, one of the questions would be “Does the application also include the appropriate replacement of all necessary ancillary provision?” – so on that basis, Sport England might ask for ALL the facilities to be properly replaced as a condition of approval. Actually, there’s not a huge amount at Ryton is there? In any case, Sport England are only a consultee, and the planners would have other things to take into account too.
The recent draft Local Plan sets the context for future planning applications. For the Ryton site, it only says there must be “adequate replacement of pitch provision”. So if anyone wants to try and make sure that the training centre has to be fully replaced, they could submit comments on the Rugby Borough Local Plan, asking that the wording be toughened up - along the lines of “Implementation of site allocation DS3.9 can only occur when adequate replacement of all pitches and ancillary facilities is made …”.
On the other hand, if you think that the only way to get rid of SISU is for them to make a killing on Ryton first, you might just want the development to go ahead with as few strings attached as possible. All this cloak-and-dagger stuff from the club makes it hard to know what’s for the best.