This dressing up as a clown craze (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
My missus has just been telling me about this, it's crazy. What a bunch if nobheads

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Well-Known Member
I'm scared of clowns much to the amusement of many people who know me

Apparently there was a guy dressed as s clown scaring people in holbrooks
Feckers brave messing about with the natives round there
He'll be hung from a lamppost by his braces and a huge shoe stuck up his arse


Well-Known Member
It's sweeping the globe. Think it started in the US, but is now going on over here and now Australia too.

Some sick prat jumped out in front of and then followed a bunch of 11-12 yr olds to school in County Durham, carrying a knife.

Hilarious. :(

Merseyside police are saying they may well treat such incidents as a criminal offence.


Well-Known Member
In Essex the police say there have been a number of incidents of people dressed as clowns hanging around outside schools during the school day. :(

Cases in Scotland and Wales too.

Guessing we will see an increase at Halloween for sure.


Well-Known Member
I was driving into town yesterday when my lad said "look at him, what's he dressed as a clown for". I didn't know it was a thing.

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Well-Known Member
I was driving into town yesterday when my lad said "look at him, what's he dressed as a clown for". I didn't know it was a thing.

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I saw a load of them a couple of weeks back.

It was at the circus though, so I decided against getting the police involved.

If I had their engine would have exploded and the wheels fallen off.

dancers lance

Well-Known Member
I don't get it, is it a criminal offence to be dressed as a clown in public?


Well-Known Member
I don't get it, is it a criminal offence to be dressed as a clown in public?
It's the harassment aspect. Some are chasing people and some are following people around and some are carrying knives.

The whole idea is to frighten people and it is being done to kids especially.

Think if someone is following kids carrying a knife that must warrant police intervention, surely.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
It's the harassment aspect. Some are chasing people and some are following people around and some are carrying knives.

The whole idea is to frighten people and it is being done to kids especially.

Think if someone is following kids carrying a knife that must warrant police intervention, surely.

In 3 weeks time loads of kids will harass me by knocking on the door expecting sweets. I may retire to my panic room.


Well-Known Member
In 3 weeks time loads of kids will harass me by knocking on the door expecting sweets. I may retire to my panic room.
To be fair though, you can choose to answer the door or not. You can also choose to open the door and then close it on people.

Grown men in clown outfits upsetting and scaring children and following them around while carrying knives is surely a tad more worrying.

Unless of course you get adults knocking on your door trick or treating and carrying weapons.


Well-Known Member
Do I take it from these couple of comments from posters on here that although it is against the law to carry a knife in public, it is absolutely fine if they are dressed as a clown?

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Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
To be fair though, you can choose to answer the door or not. You can also choose to open the door and then close it on people.

Grown men in clown outfits upsetting and scaring children and following them around while carrying knives is surely a tad more worrying.

Unless of course you get adults knocking on your door trick or treating and carrying weapons.

Ermmm... I wasn't being entirely serious, wouldn't want a bad rep. with the next door neighbours brats. :eek:ldman:


I don't mind it when little kids knock on the door on Halloween, always happy to give them sweets.

It's the teenagers that piss me off, rock up with their jumper over their head saying Trick or Treat.


Well-Known Member
Ermmm... I wasn't being entirely serious, wouldn't want a bad rep. with the next door neighbours brats. :eek:ldman:
Yep, gathered that. ;)

Think the police themselves have said there isn't anything wrong with people just dressing up as clowns. Intimidating and harassing though they will treat differently.

Bit worrying that people are hanging round schools and following children while carrying knives.

A bit of common sense is needed.

Big difference between 'boo' and 'I'm going to scare you shitless.'


Only a matter of time till somebody dresses up and takes an absolute pasting though!


Well-Known Member
Only a matter of time till somebody dresses up and takes an absolute pasting though!
I did note that in the US students are going on clown hunts and are trying to find clowns and chase them down.

You're right, Nick and you are hardly going to be able to escape by blending in with the crowds are you! Not unless you are very close by a clown convention.p somewhere.


Well-Known Member
I did note that in the US students are going on clown hunts and are trying to find clowns and chase them down.

You're right, Nick and you are hardly going to be able to escape by blending in with the crowds are you! Not unless you are very close by a clown convention.p somewhere.
This is not an issue at clown school, clownsville. USA

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Well-Known Member
we are all very selective - if we were all followed around by attractive scantly clad young ladies, we wouldnt be suggesting it was a criminal offence
And if they were handling a weapon, even less so


Well-Known Member
Here's the latest from the Beeb on the matter.

Police across England have been called to dozens of incidents in which pranksters dress as "creepy clowns" to deliberately scare people.

The culprits are said to be following a trend that started in the US.

A 30-year-old man was arrested in Norwich after someone dressed as a clown jumped out from behind a tree and "terrified" a woman in a public park.

On Sunday Thames Valley Police said it had been called to 14 incidents in 24 hours.

'Frightening experience'
In the Norwich incident, the woman was walking alone in Eaton Park at about 20:30 BST on Sunday when the man leapt out, screamed at her and ran after her.

Supt Lynne Cross, of Norfolk Police, said such incidents "may seem harmless, but it is quite frightening to those who experience it".

In County Durham on Friday, four children were followed to school by a man in a clown outfit who was armed with what looked like a machete.

In a separate incident in County Durham on Friday, police in Peterlee posted a photo on their Facebook page of items, including two masks, which they had confiscated from two 12-year-olds who they said had gone to a primary school to scare children.

Elsewhere, in Kidlington, Oxfordshire, a man dressed as a clown and carrying a baseball bat was reported to have chased a 10-year-old child through a park.

Meanwhile, Gloucestershire Police said it had received six reports of "clowns" behaving suspiciously, or carrying knives. In one instance a child was followed.

A cyclist in Eastbourne, Sussex, was left "shaken" after someone dressed as a clown jumped out from a bush brandishing what he believed was an offensive weapon.

And in Sudbury, Suffolk, a boy was chased by "several people dressed as clowns".

'Impact on others'
Thames Valley Police said it was "tying up resources which could impact on calls to other incidents".

Chief Supt Andy Boyd said: "While we do not want to be accused of stopping people enjoying themselves, we would also ask those same people to think of the impact of their behaviour on others and themselves.

"Their actions can cause fear and anxiety to other people. This could be perceived to be intimidating and threatening which could lead to public order offences, arrest and a criminal record."

The clown craze began in the US in late summer and has since spread to Canada and Australia.

Schools in Texas and Alabama were shut down, while the White House press secretary had to field questions about the president's stance on the phenomenon


Well-Known Member
Saw a someone driving down deedmore road on my way home from work wearing a killer clown mask whilst driving. Nob head

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Well-Known Member
Saw a someone driving down deedmore road on my way home from work wearing a killer clown mask whilst driving. Nob head

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For the likes of us on here it won't be a problem, but you have to think of people like young children and the likes of my parents, who are both 86 and are always in the town centre.

Something like that would frighten the life out of them.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Have these people got nothing better to do? If someone jumped out a bush brandishing a knife to try and scare me, they'd be on the floor in a split second.


Well-Known Member
wasn't there one in america where the guy got the shit beaten out of him for dressing up and scaring the wrong guy


Well-Known Member
For the likes of us on here it won't be a problem, but you have to think of people like young children and the likes of my parents, who are both 86 and are always in the town centre.

Something like that would frighten the life out of them.

Even I would be concerned seeing an idiot wearing these masks, wouldn't stop me waking past but would certainly make me feel in uneasy in the same way I felt seeing adults Pokemon hunting!


Well-Known Member
For the likes of us on here it won't be a problem, but you have to think of people like young children and the likes of my parents, who are both 86 and are always in the town centre.

Something like that would frighten the life out of them.

Yes this could have tragic consequences, if one of those clowns jumps out on an OAP and they have a heart attack and die, the clown would escape punishment


Well-Known Member
I don't think the media help it, all over it for clicks etc.

Exactly this Nick. The CET were calling it a 'craze' when there had been precisely six incidents in the UK. Six.

They're trying to create some sort of moral panic in order to make money for themselves, classic Daily Mail bullshit. Any newspaper or 'journalist' who involved themselves in this isn't worthy of the name.

As for the dickheads doing it, they just need to grow up. If scaring kids gets you off, and you're older than say nine, you've got serious issues that you need to resolve. I'm sure the kids' parents will be happy to explain in more direct terms if required!


Exactly this Nick. The CET were calling it a 'craze' when there had been precisely six incidents in the UK. Six.

They're trying to create some sort of moral panic in order to make money for themselves, classic Daily Mail bullshit. Any newspaper or 'journalist' who involved themselves in this isn't worthy of the name.

As for the dickheads doing it, they just need to grow up. If scaring kids gets you off, and you're older than say nine, you've got serious issues that you need to resolve. I'm sure the kids' parents will be happy to explain in more direct terms if required!

For some reason the Telegraph have articles about them in Walsall and somewhere else that aren't Coventry, it isn't just them though it is the nationals. The more the media go on about it, the more people are going to want to do it.

Hopefully one of them will get a kickin and people will stop doing it.

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