Didn't acl agree to a rent holiday?
Apparently not.
Q & A between the Judge and Deering (extract). There is more about a letter sent to Fisher disagreeing with minutes that were taken, minutes that appeared to suggest that a rent holiday was agreeable.
12 Q. In particular, did Mr Fisher communicate to you that, so
13 far as ACL were concerned, they would not agree or
14 accept the non-payment of rent by the football club?
15 A. Well, they issued a summary judgment, so I presume as
16 much.
17 Q. Do you have any recollection of Mr Fisher saying, "Look,
18 there's a problem, finances for a start, ACL are not
19 going to give us a holiday from the rent"?
20 A. I don't remember that conversation.
21 Q. Mr Fisher would have been remiss upon receipt of this
22 letter if he hadn't let somebody know that the rent
23 holiday was a non-starter so far as ACL were concerned.