Sisu have spent the last 8 years trying to drive down costs and get spending under control REGARDLESS of where that takes us (and who knows where its going) so we must take back control of there Income by total blanket ban of paying for anything in advance , no season tickets , no match day tickets , nothing , that way they will not know how to police/steward a game or staff a game , to few staff and they could have big problems , to many staff and its dead money (like what they have been trying to save the last few years), Also people who are boycotting could pick random matches and attend sisu would have no idea on crowd size , and if they did cut to a level so tight that the team was suffering even more , people could all turn up meaning, more police and stewards, meaning Fisher and Sepla would get tired up with more meetings,Tticket Master would not be happy if everyone turned up for pay on the gate, in all businesses there is a tipping point , lets find it