Two men kissing (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member

I have absolutely no problem at all with people being gay and being in a relationship, just still cannot watch two men kissing and have to turn away when I see it. Just wondering if it is a generation thing or not and whether younger people are more accepting because to them it is the norm.

It's something I never, ever came across or saw growing up, but now obviously it has become accepted in this day and age and there's loads of characters on films and on TV sharing a gay kiss on a daily basis.

I watched the latest episode of the new Star Trek series on Netflix the other day and there were two gay characters sharing a kiss. I had to look away. It turns my stomach otherwise. Not sure if I will ever get used to it.


Well-Known Member
Depends what you mean by a kiss. A kiss hello or goodbye no problem, other signs of affection like holding hands, embracing each other etc. no problem. Eating the face of each other in public no thanks, but they don’t have to be a gay couple for it to be no thanks from me. I feel the same about heterosexual couples too. The saying get a room springs to mind.


Well-Known Member
Depends what you mean by a kiss. A kiss hello or goodbye no problem, other signs of affection like holding hands, embracing each other etc. no problem. Eating the face of each other in public no thanks, but they don’t have to be a gay couple for it to be no thanks from me. I feel the same about heterosexual couples too. The saying get a room springs to mind.
I obviously don't just mean a peck. An elongated kiss. Doesn't have to be that passionate or animated, just a full on kiss.

Thought it might be a generation thing, but then just asked my 13 year old daughter and she has said exactly the same thing. She has a number of gay friends, in fact, her best friend is gay, but she hates to see kissing.


I can't imagine being at school and a 13 year old being gay and having a boyfriend. No doubt there would have been lads who came out after leaving, but not many had girlfriends or were sexualized. It was about going to play football, playing on the PlayStation, game of chase etc at 13.

I don't have an issue with blokes holding hands etc but going at it full board would be over the top, as it would anybody anyway.

Even then, if it's something that people aren't used to seeing they will see it differently and notice it more.


Well-Known Member
I can't imagine being at school and a 13 year old being gay and having a boyfriend.

I don't have an issue with blokes holding hands etc but going at it full board would be over the top, as it would anybody anyway.

Even then, if it's something that people aren't used to seeing they will see it differently and notice it more.
My daughter says there's loads of kids coming out as gay, or trans gender, or gender fluid etc and loads in relationships.

Just something I never ever encountered or heard of when I was at school. I don't remember anyone being obviously gay when I was at school.

I see two guys holding hands and that doesn't bother me at all. Same with being arm in arm, but kissing? I just can't get my head around it at all.


My daughter says there's loads of kids coming out as gay, or trans gender, or gender fluid etc and loads in relationships.

Just something I never ever encountered or heard of when I was at school. I don't remember anyone being obviously gay when I was at school.

I see two guys holding hands and that doesn't bother me at all. Same with being arm in arm, but kissing? I just can't get my head around it at all.
Gay men will kiss... It's the same as anybody else, not everybody needs to put on a public sex show which is where it gets over the top

If it's just me, not bothered too much but if my daughter is there I'm bothered whether it would be men, or a man and woman going at it full board in front of her.


Well-Known Member
Gay men will kiss... It's the same as anybody else, not everybody needs to put on a public sex show which is where it gets over the top
Yeah, like I say, I think it is more of a generation thing. We tend to be shocked or confused by what we don't understand, or that is against the norm we are used to.

Always used to find it incredibly weird when I saw Muslim women in the full burka for the first time.


Yeah, like I say, I think it is more of a generation thing. We tend to be shocked or confused by what we don't understand, or that is against the norm we are used to.

Always used to find it incredibly weird when I saw Muslim women in the full burka.

That's because you aren't used to seeing it, same as dwarves or albinos I always can't help but look


Well-Known Member
That's because you aren't used to seeing it, same as dwarves or albinos I always can't help but look
So true and what I am saying. Took me about 20 years to get used to men wearing kilts.

Think there has just been a sudden upsurge and seemingly every single programme on TV has a gay couple kissing.

I am very interested to see if I become more accepting the more I see it.

Had gay friends when I was in my teens, but it was always just one friend at a time, so not two gay people together in a relationship, so I never ever saw any of my gay friends kissing. Think in those days (1872) it all used to be done behind closed doors.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
I don't have many if any gay friends not because I don't like just don't have many friends!

I wouldn't have a big kiss with my wife in public it's just not what we choose to do and do feel uneasy when I see any couple behaving like that


Well-Known Member
I don't have many if any gay friends not because I don't like just don't have many friends!

I wouldn't have a big kiss with my wife in public it's just not what we choose to do and do feel uneasy when I see any couple behaving like that
Yeah, it's just what we are used to. Used to turn my head every time I heard a foreign language in Coventry, because it was such a rarity. Now you hear as many foreigners talking as you do hearing people talk English.

There's just some things we don't understand because they are new to us and that it turn then makes it harder to accept.

I can't stand to see anal sex either, but my uncle just always told me to not turn my head and keep my eyes facing front.


So true and what I am saying. Took me about 20 years to get used to men wearing kilts.

Think there has just been a sudden upsurge and seemingly every single programme on TV has a gay couple kissing.

I am very interested to see if I become more accepting the more I see it.

Had gay friends when I was in my teens, but it was always just one friend at a time, so not two gay people together in a relationship, so I never ever saw any of my gay friends kissing. Think in those days (1872) it all used to be done behind closed doors.

Think it's a generation thing, was on the radio earlier about gay marriage in Australia. Asked my 8 year old whether she thought gay men should get married and she didn't bat an eyelid and just said "of course if they want to". An 8 year old in the 80's would have given a different reaction.


Well-Known Member
Think it's a generation thing, was on the radio earlier about gay marriage in Australia. Asked my 8 year old whether she thought gay men should get married and she didn't bat an eyelid and just said "of course if they want to". An 8 year old in the 80's would have given a different reaction.
Yep, it would have more than likely been 'two poofs? Getting married? Yuck!!'

Times have indeed changed. Always used to feel sorry for one gay friend. His name was Frazer and when he told us in the group that he was gay, none of us even batted an eyelid, but he wasn't a happy chappy because out in the real world he just wasn't accepted and had to hide what he truly was. He had a tough time.


Well-Known Member
My daughter says there's loads of kids coming out as gay, or trans gender, or gender fluid etc and loads in relationships.

Just something I never ever encountered or heard of when I was at school. I don't remember anyone being obviously gay when I was at school.

I see two guys holding hands and that doesn't bother me at all. Same with being arm in arm, but kissing? I just can't get my head around it at all.

Really at 13? Sounds like some of it might be attention thinking l, because I don’t think any kid at that age knows for sure?

But as to your orignal point I agree with you, I don’t like seeing it- like I couldn’t stand it in the walking dead! And I am of the younger generation.
I have nothing against gay people, I just don’t want to see men kissing in public or anyone.

Although as another point- what are people’s opinions on identifying as non-binary- I have nothing wrong with transgender people- but what a load of shit choosing not to identify as a girl or a man, or a man choosing to identify as a woman- it’s one thing I really don’t agree with and never well. If people can just say- no I identify as a woman and then goes into the girls toilets, then it’s asking for trouble if that starts happening

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
My aunt was really upset when she had to tell my mum that my cousin was gay as she didn't know how me and my brother would accept it neither of us were bothered as it's his life, but in the 80's it would have been very different

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
I think it's just one of those things. You don't have to like seeing anything but as a tolerant society it's something you have to accept and so long as the people in question are not treated any differently because of it then who cares.


Although as another point- what are people’s opinions on identifying as non-binary- I have nothing wrong with transgender people- but what a load of shit choosing not to identify as a girl or a man, or a man choosing to identify as a woman- it’s one thing I really don’t agree with and never well. If people can just say- no I identify as a woman and then goes into the girls toilets, then it’s asking for trouble if that starts happening

Yeah that's just silly, one day they want to be a woman for 3 hours and then a man for 6 hours and can just keep changing like that.
Potentially identifying as a woman to go in the women's changing room at the gym for an hour.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's just silly, one day they want to be a woman for 3 hours and then a man for 6 hours and can just keep changing like that.
Potentially identifying as a woman to go in the women's changing room at the gym for an hour.

Funnily enough I have just seen something shared on Facebook about bbc Three documentary- and they are now comparing themselves to sea horses, and other fish, because apparently they change gender midlife-
Transgender is fine to me because they have had the bits changed, and hormones are changed etc etc.
Being non-binary just seems like people trying to stand out, be different, or just another way to stick it to the man type thing


Well-Known Member
I can't stand to see men kissing. There seems to be more and more on TV nowadays. I have to turn away from the TV because it turns my stomach. Don't know why, it just does.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
I can't stand to see men kissing. There seems to be more and more on TV nowadays. I have to turn away from the TV because it turns my stomach. Don't know why, it just does.

I am not keen and tend to look away in case it gets serious I think it may be people pushing it out there as it suits there personal agenda


Well-Known Member
Funnily enough I have just seen something shared on Facebook about bbc Three documentary- and they are now comparing themselves to sea horses, and other fish, because apparently they change gender midlife-
Transgender is fine to me because they have had the bits changed, and hormones are changed etc etc.
Being non-binary just seems like people trying to stand out, be different, or just another way to stick it to the man type thing

I think non-binary includes some trans people.

I just saw a thing about a “transracial” guy who came out as Filipino.

Frankly if you aren’t hurting anyone, you do you, but don’t expect the world to coddle you in your delusions.

My wife has a real issue with trans people claiming to be women and wanting to go in women’s dressing rooms and the like. Her mate was violently raped and would have real problems if a “woman” wrapped her cock out in the changing rooms.

It’s a funny one because we accept the divide between men and women all over the place so unlike other equality issues it requires a change from everyone, moreso than accepting black people or gay people.

I just find it annoying that you aren’t allowed to discuss any of it without having someone scream “bigot” at you. You can’t expect massive societal change with no debate at all to be accepted.


What does my head in is how people feel the need to tell everybody and anybody who will listen.

Fair enough if you are a woman who likes women, a man who likes men, a woman who likes both that's up to you but you don't need to project it and make a big deal of it constantly.

I don't think anybody with a cock should be allowed in women's changing rooms, that's where it starts to make people uncomfortable at times like that.


Well-Known Member
I think non-binary includes some trans people.

I just saw a thing about a “transracial” guy who came out as Filipino.

Frankly if you aren’t hurting anyone, you do you, but don’t expect the world to coddle you in your delusions.

My wife has a real issue with trans people claiming to be women and wanting to go in women’s dressing rooms and the like. Her mate was violently raped and would have real problems if a “woman” wrapped her cock out in the changing rooms.

It’s a funny one because we accept the divide between men and women all over the place so unlike other equality issues it requires a change from everyone, moreso than accepting black people or gay people.

I just find it annoying that you aren’t allowed to discuss any of it without having someone scream “bigot” at you. You can’t expect massive societal change with no debate at all to be accepted.

Yep I agree, if I were to say what I said to some other people, I’m sure I would be called- ignorant, bigot, all of that but it’s a debate to be had.

you are right- people can do what they want/ I just don’t want to hear about it and have it shoved in my face. It’s becoming as bad as vegans, saying people that eat meat are unethical blah blah blah


Well-Known Member
cant say it bothers me specifically but I am not one for showing signs of affection in public anyway. You see people full on kissing in the middle of the street or draped over each other which I just don't get but each to their own.


Well-Known Member
Two men kissing
I don't want to see it, and I'd rather not even think about it, so thanks for posting this thread.
Two women kissing, however, is somehow acceptable. I'm not sure why.
It would only be acceptable if they were young and attractive. Two old women kissing? No thanks.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I remember the days when "gay" meant brightly coloured. Sorry, but I just don't think it should be bantered about in public. If someone has a sexual preference then surely that is their private life? There's no need to have parades about it. Why the need to scream and shout about it? Maybe I was brought up in the wrong era, but I struggle to come to terms with it. I don't class myself as 'homophobic' or whatever the label is these days. I accept that there is a gay world, but just not for me.
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Well-Known Member
See...I kissed my dad (God rest his soul) tongues or anything close, & I kissed my boys up until they were about 12...again no tongues or anything close!
So does any of that mean there is a gay or incest or paedophile element??? I'd hope not!

Also, a close associate - who is not unentirely a God sympathiser, as I might describe him - said to me in the recent past that he "can't abide gays as it is unnatural. What they do together can cause serious harm. Two women together is different...I can cope with that because they aren't sticking things in exit holes". Which set me thinking...
1. His missus might be missing out
2. Not all heterosexuals engage in penetrative sex or even anal sex...are gay people SO different to that extent?
3. He hasn't seen some of the pics/movies I have - & he is missing out!!!

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Well-Known Member
I watched the latest episode of the new Star Trek series on Netflix the other day and there were two gay characters sharing a kiss. I had to look away. It turns my stomach otherwise. Not sure if I will ever get used to it.

That was badly timed, we werne't given enough time to understand the relationship between the two characters. There was a scene in a later episode where it would have been much more appropriate.

If it was two really hot trannies kissing would that have bothered you?

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