Going In Home Ends ? (3 Viewers)


New Member
Read a few posts from fans saying they intend to go into home areas for the Bristol game but what are the rules on that ? At the Ricoh I have seen away fans, not causing trouble by the way being removed by stewards once their cover is blown. Can the Police detain you for that or even arrest you which could end up with you getting a football ban. Not sure exactly what the law says but there are laws that are just applicable to footie. After all going into a home only area is a deliberate act so could that be deemed unlawful ? Any stewards past or presence know ?


New Member
I think its measured on risk. I also think its on the discretion of the steward, unfortunately! It certainly is not a criminal act, unless you're there with a darker purpose.

Its not like the old days, most fans in "the wrong end" are fine. It only annoys me when they cheer a goal. Its pure stupidity that is quite clearly going to grind a few gears.


New Member
I think you can be arrested for going in home only ends, especially if you make yourself known. Breach of the peace or something like that, sitting on your hands for ninety minutes in a do or die match would be very difficult.

kepit 2 yusen

New Member
I don't know the "ins and outs" however I asked CCFC about this when I could not get a ticket. They said that they had been told by BCFC that tickets would only be sold by them to people already registered in their system and that checks would be made on addresses to avert sales to Cov fans intending to go in home end. This would prevent sale of tickets to none BCFC fans. It's doesn't prevent anybody setting up an account using a false Bristol address I guess. I was also told there would be no "pay on the gate". In reality I doubt that would be the case as no club is going to turn away ticket revenue. As for laws, again not sure but it's not a criminal offence to stand in the wrong section of a football ground and I haven't heard of anybody prosecuted for that alone. Club rules will probably prevail on that one.


New Member
Probably right but there are different laws apertaining to football matches than the norm. For instance if me and a mate have a dust up Friday night with two others in the precinct and get nicked the likelyhood is as long as there isn't too much damage we all get done for public order, get a fine or even just a caution, do the same Saturday afternoon in Tesco's car park with two from Peterborough and it's fighting at football, a minimum 3 year ban thats the law, and not certain you wouldn't end up in the clink for a bit.


New Member
If you go into the wrong area as an away supporter you can be ejected from the ground. So can I suggest that you sit on your hands if you inteand to do this as they will suspect that they have away fans in home areas and operate a zero tolerance to help prevent any further problems.

If you are ejected by stewards thats all that happens to you, unless you play up and then you are handed over to the local Police to be dealt further with.



Well-Known Member
I'd doubt anything serious would happen, you would either be moved in with your own fans or just chucked out.


New Member
seen that u tube clip cov fan in qpr end very funny (and dangerous!) im chancing it as missed out on our tickets, i rate my chances of getting in, either coming clean legally and putting on my "im not here to cause trouble face" or hoping for a dodgy turnstile operator and slip him a fiver at one minute to three (bound to be cash on the day with their crowds)


Well-Known Member
Been in home ends a few times. In this day and age most people have evolved far enough to upright status that it is fine

CCFC Germany

Active Member
There was trouble with Leeds fans int the home end at Bristol.
If you start celebrating a goal in a do or die match, getting ejected just might not be your biggest problem while still in the stands...


Well-Known Member
There was trouble with Leeds fans int the home end at Bristol.
If you start celebrating a goal in a do or die match, getting ejected just might not be your biggest problem while still in the stands...

Sad state of affairs but probably true


Well-Known Member
A lot of it depends on what you are in the away end for and what the stewards are like.

I go in with the home fans at away games. The last time was against Cardiff a few weeks ago. I went in with my welsh relatives. Everyone around me knew I was a Cov fan. The banter was great. Bit crap for me in the 1st half, but loved the second half. Turned around for the banter near the end of the game. Turned around to see the game just in time to see the ball hit the corner of the net Just a shame the game then ended.

I have 2 brothers that are Fester fans. We take it in turns of which end we go in. I always sing my heart out when in with them. It is the only way we can go to games together. The banter is great.

I have a lad who is a Grimsby town season ticket holder. I was in with the Grimsby fans last time when we won 1-0. I had family and friends looking for me. They knew I was at the game. A couple of them saw me jumping around like a lunatic when we scored. When I sat back down I got a tap on the shoulder. I expected the worse, so prepared myself before I turned around. There was a row of an older generation. "We are all Cov fans but were too scared to celebrate" was the reply That was a winter game, and their ground is about the coldest in England. I went in the stand which goes level with the water behind, which is where the cold wind comes from. The Cov fans were freezing.

I have lived as far north as I am now, and as far south as Margate. I know people all over England, and going to games with them helps me to keep up with them. ~Be sensible and most of the time you are OK. Most fans like a bit of banter. Some get wound up by you being there. I aim my banter at them.

I have got ejected only once. That was about 20 mins into a game. I went to a pub and had a few beers, then walked back to the ground and walked through the open gates to see the rest of the game. I have also been moved to the away fans end a couple of times. If you are funny with the stewards or police be expected to be kicked out and maybe arrested until after the game, then released. Unless you do anything to get done for that is. Ask for trouble and you will find it. It is nothing like the 80's where you were asking for trouble just by speaking and having your accent noticed. Not sure how they would deal with a large group of fans in the wrong end though. Good chance this would end in trouble if there are idiots about on either side. No spare seats in away end, although most of the fans will be standing, so might be ejected instead of put in away end.

If you think our fans are negative then go in with your opponents fans. All teams have their whinging fans, be it at the top or the bottom of the table. You also find out how good your own team is. They let you know.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
At the Brighton game this season I was the only one with a City shirt on in one of the pubs right next to the station. Absolutely full of home fans and people out of the Football Factory-then one guy goes 'We think you're scum-but we respect you for wearing that in here'. Before I know it folk're buying me drinks and having a bit of banter-as you say Astute, you'll only find trouble if you go looking for it.
At the Brighton game this season I was the only one with a City shirt on in one of the pubs right next to the station. Absolutely full of home fans and people out of the Football Factory-then one guy goes 'We think you're scum-but we respect you for wearing that in here'. Before I know it folk're buying me drinks and having a bit of banter-as you say Astute, you'll only find trouble if you go looking for it.

So what does rohypnol taste like? :whistle:


New Member
I don't know the "ins and outs" however I asked CCFC about this when I could not get a ticket. They said that they had been told by BCFC that tickets would only be sold by them to people already registered in their system and that checks would be made on addresses to avert sales to Cov fans intending to go in home end. This would prevent sale of tickets to none BCFC fans. It's doesn't prevent anybody setting up an account using a false Bristol address I guess. I was also told there would be no "pay on the gate". In reality I doubt that would be the case as no club is going to turn away ticket revenue. As for laws, again not sure but it's not a criminal offence to stand in the wrong section of a football ground and I haven't heard of anybody prosecuted for that alone. Club rules will probably prevail on that one.

Wouldn't your tickets be posted to a random Bristol address tho?

All the best


New Member
Personally i think going in the Bristol home end is a big risk. All depends on results but if they don't win and we are 4,5 or 7 points ahead of them thats them almost down then i wouldn't fancy my chances if sussed


Well-Known Member
Can be dodgy at any time. The more of you the more chance of trouble. I prefer to go in alone or with one more and go with some home supporters. You are less threatening to them then.


New Member
All this fuss over nothing, it's not illegal to sit in the home end but you can be ejected for it. And as for trouble, it's Bristol vs Coventry not Rangers vs Celtic, you celebrate when we score you'll probably get a few dirty looks/remarks but it'll hardly be world war three.


Active Member
I have been to Bristol in the home seats. Got stares from the entire stand when we scored but nothing more. Maybe a bit more riding on this game though and it is best to avoid the areas where the die-hards are such as where the dozy Leeds fans sat - larging it.

It will be a very large gate - there are not many seats left.

You can get an e-ticket by the way or pick it up on the day.


Well-Known Member
Only 900 tickets left for the game now. Will sure be a full house.


New Member
dont let the fans down cityyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy(cov)

I for one am glad you put (Cov) at the end of that sentence as if you hadn't I would have been left pondering whether you meant Bristol or Coventry until someone had come along to clarify.

Thank you for your helpful clarification.


New Member
Was in the Villa with many others in the 3-2 defeat when we went down. Hadji scored and I stood up and forgot for a second where I was .... got turfed out and joined the dozens of others being turfed out... walked around the back of the away end to hear an explosion of noise thinking it was Villa equalized only to realise we were 2- up.

Went to the pub and walked back to the ground for last five minutes only for to kick off with the police and Villa outside the away end. Battoned into a wall and missed a volley of bottles coming over the police vans. Glad to get the first train back from the slum.

I realised that day that Villa really do hate City's guts more than we realised.


Well-Known Member
Was in the Villa with many others in the 3-2 defeat when we went down. Hadji scored and I stood up and forgot for a second where I was .... got turfed out and joined the dozens of others being turfed out... walked around the back of the away end to hear an explosion of noise thinking it was Villa equalized only to realise we were 2- up.

Went to the pub and walked back to the ground for last five minutes only for to kick off with the police and Villa outside the away end. Battoned into a wall and missed a volley of bottles coming over the police vans. Glad to get the first train back from the slum.

I realised that day that Villa really do hate City's guts more than we realised.

From what I saw that day their fans weren't after us at ll but loads of their chavvy kids throwing directly at the police. We were so subdued we all just avoided them and went home :(

I've been there many times (wife and many of my mates support them) and always been ok but nearly got thrown out for having a pop at a little fkr who tried to hug me when Savo scored a hattrick against us and I was sat in the Holte End :(


New Member
Going in away ends was the thing to do years ago and city have tried it a few times, mainly at their midland rivals such as the Brummie Road end at West Brom, the Kop at Filbert Street, Bootham End at Stoke they even ran the pitch from the South Bank to the North Bank at Wolves one day. Big difference now is how games are policed nowadays and the law surrounding football matches, cctv is used all the time and a minor ruck can get you banned for 3 years minimum, and a knock on the door early on a Sunday morning a couple of months later, i know people that has happened to. The old Bill have officers simply designated to sort out football bother no matter how small, Cov coppers will be at the game monitoring things. I know people will say i'm just watching the match and don't want any bother but tell that to the Bristol contingent who do, just be very careful.
Those without tickets get your arses up the Cedars and watch it on the telly
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Well-Known Member
Both me and my dad are going in the home end. We both agree it'll be impossible not to let out at least a little cheer if coventry score.

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