This is nonsense though, not even close to being true because people often grossly overstate how big Coventry is by using the city population (which is often a false figure based on an artificial line drawn on a map) to the metro area/urban area population. For example, people can argue all day that Coventry is bigger than Nottingham, but the truth is that the urban sprawl that is Nottingham is FAR bigger than Coventry because the urban area doesn't stop at the artificial line that denotes the city boundary, which it actually does with Coventry because it isn't part of a bigger urban area. Yes, Coventry has satellite towns, but then so does everywhere else. This is before you look at wider catchment areas and number of teams in the locality.
Leeds? Do you realise how big Leeds is? Leeds is more than twice the size of Coventry, so their gates should be double. Bradford? From the end of the second world war until now, the first time that had a higher average gate than ourselves was 2014. Every year prior to that we'd had higher gates. So their current attendances are very high by based on their history and ours are historically low, but this is a very recent thing.