Should have given em direction to the wheatsheaf. "There's a much more welcoming pub just a little further down the road lads...."
Well I hope we fucking battered the bastards !! I know City fans who were bricked and attacked down at their place !
I can understand where your coming from but can not agree. i really do not want to go back to the 70/80's they were bloody awful for the real football fan. always having to watch your back. No thanks i like it how it is. i can let my teenage son go without worrying to much that he will end up in hospital or worse.
I can understand where your coming from but can not agree. i really do not want to go back to the 70/80's they were bloody awful for the real football fan. always having to watch your back. No thanks i like it how it is. i can let my teenage son go without worrying to much that he will end up in hospital or worse.
Best days of my football following life, never a dull moment...................some of us should have been awarded campaign medals for the good epic battles of the West Mids, Nottingham, West London and Far Gosford Street !! I'm a bit long in the tooth now but young lads have to expend a bit of energy !!
Swindon fans taken out of stand by police were identified as those who smashed Longford chippy up. When are fans going to learn you can't beat technology, that helicopter hovvering above before match taking pictures galore, identifying the rascals then nicking them
does anyone know what the fight in block 16 was about?
Bit much for the 2 lads serving at the chippy to put up much resistance, had there been three might have been differentBit embarrassing if feckin Swindon are coming up to a pretty tough city like Cov and smashing the place up
Bit embarrassing if feckin Swindon are coming up to a pretty tough city like Cov and smashing the place up
What? Anyone can turn up anywhere and smash up a chip shop. You claiming that as a result? From what I hear Swindon fans were running in all directions after the game.
Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch. I witnessed the tail end of the incident at their place. Deserve everything they get.
Some loudmouth toilet in block 16 has been abusing his own team for years. Turned on a couple of blokes with kids at the game for the last 15 mins. As they left he pushed and started on one of the dads making his kids fall over. Dad just kicks the fuck out of the toilet. End of.