Lets all sing together
New Member
Stay in Coventry City and start again
Go away from Coventry and continue
Go away from Coventry and continue
The obvious answer is surely neither.
Difficult one. Assuming we left & a new ccfc was setup how many would turn their back on them if the original ccfc returned within a year or so
The obvious answer is surely neither.
But if you had to choose?
Nota bad point Noggin ,all the other propietors within the city must be looking forward to the prospect of a windfall an increase in support would bring to sporting ventures within the City that Precedes their teams names .:thinking about:Neither, and I won't have to choose, I don't think either option is at all viable and so if one of them happens the club I love will be dead and i'll support a different Coventry team with my time, money, energy and passion. I've been an enjoyed being a season ticket holder at the Blaze and a long time ago at Coventry Rugby club and I'm sure one of those or the bees would get my money.
Neither, and I won't have to choose, I don't think either option is at all viable and so if one of them happens the club I love will be dead and i'll support a different Coventry team with my time, money, energy and passion. I've been an enjoyed being a season ticket holder at the Blaze and a long time ago at Coventry Rugby club and I'm sure one of those or the bees would get my money.
The answer isn't as simple as an either/or.
If 32 other people have managed to answer it, I'm sure you can!
Yes it is. Would you follow a Coventry City side playing outside of Coventry. There; it's not a difficult question is it?It's not as simple as an either/or.
Yes it is. Would you follow a Coventry City side playing outside of Coventry. There; it's not a difficult question is it?
It's not as simple as an either/or.
OK pretend someone has a gun to your head and is telling you decide one way or another or they'll blow you away!
it really isn't.
It's this desire to put fans into cozy little boxes that sets them in opposition to each other, makes for a bloody awful atmosphere around here, puts people right off supporting the team when they have to read the sly digs, pathetic innuendo and the desire to be right, as if there is a right in all this!
I don't have to be a SISU rent boy, an ACL lover, I can just be a fan of the club.
Equally there are certain events that would see me follow the club outside of Coventry, certain events that wouldn't. likewise with a new club.
But no, let's try and put people in boxes, tick them as SISU insiders coming here to spoil the fun of the righteous fan who fights the good fight.
I choose death.
Jesus get down off your cross, it's a forum, where people express their views. This is a simple poll. That's all.
So what was that if not a view? It appears a view of 'it's not as simple as an either/or' is not allowed, nor is a response as to why it's my view. I should instead sit here and be insulted by random pseudonyms on a message board and agree that yes, it is as simple as an either/or! It's not me who decided that view wasn't good enough and needed arguing about!
If you can't decide, don't.
it really isn't.
It's this desire to put fans into cozy little boxes that sets them in opposition to each other, makes for a bloody awful atmosphere around here, puts people right off supporting the team when they have to read the sly digs, pathetic innuendo and the desire to be right, as if there is a right in all this!
I don't have to be a SISU rent boy, an ACL lover, I can just be a fan of the club.
Equally there are certain events that would see me follow the club outside of Coventry, certain events that wouldn't. likewise with a new club.
But no, let's try and put people in boxes, tick them as SISU insiders coming here to spoil the fun of the righteous fan who fights the good fight.
And that's what I did, I posted my view that it's not as simple as an either/or.
Thank you for telling me what I can and can't do.
OK fair enough. But if you are going to whinge like a little girl about it, expect people who don't have such an issue with a simple poll to argue with you
Completely agree....at the moment I'm in the neither camp.