Anyone else get the impression Les Reid is suspicious about whether Sisu will build a new stadium? He's now doing what Footy Law blog did this summer and asking neighbouring authorities whether they've been approached.
The article says:
"Last month, Rugby Borough Council maintained it had still received no approach from any party acting for Coventry City interested in buying the Brandon site.
"The Telegraph has today asked all borough and district councils in Warwickshire bordering Coventry’s administrative boundary whether any approach has been made, for planning or any other purpose."
Not sure if this is new information. It certainly does not prove they are doing anything.
And yes that blog did a piece along the same lines. They however do not have the access that Mr Reid enjoys with the sources.
Lets take them at their word, for now. Though it might be worth checking the information provided by CBRE.
The Telegraph has today asked all borough and district councils in Warwickshire bordering Coventry’s administrative boundary whether any approach has been made, for planning or any other purpose."
That's good investigatory journalism, don't just take their word for it check. The last time this was asked by people other then the Telegraph it came back as a No. I wonder what the answers will be this time as it is suggested:-
It [CBRE] claims it remains the case that the relevant council had been approached for two of those four sites."
So this time there is a good chance that it will be a yes response. They are Councils after all are subject to the FOI Act. So the responses should be newsworthy when all the Councils are asked that have authority over:-
sites within six miles of the city centre, as measured by Coventry Council House."
The evidence of them doing something must be out there. I await the information and not just the suggestion.