this Says it all for me. (18 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Hopefully no ccfc fan who boycotted Sixfields will go.....that would be a tad hypocritical

I'd be very surprised if they get any more than 3.5-4k for the average game.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)

You'll get crap gates for London Welsh and the like. But huge gates for Leicester, or Northampton. Immense for any of the Irish teams. Ditto Toulon, et. I'm guessing they've taken a view on the average


Deleted member 5849

You'll get crap gates for London Welsh and the like. But huge gates for Leicester, or Northampton. Immense for any of the Irish teams. Ditto Toulon, et. I'm guessing they've taken a view on the average

That's probably fair, as much for the capacity for away fans as anything.

Does rather rely on them maintaining success however, if you're relying on major teams bringing large away followings, and that's a dangerous position to be in.


New Member
for at least 5 years since 2007 SISU sat unchallenged in pole position to do a deal on ownership........... they one else ......... chose a path of confrontation, legal absurdity, rejected any notion of partnership and put the needs of SISU way before the needs of CCFC & fans
Thanks OSB 58, The best post i have read for months,totally agree. We must tow the line and pay the rent. Tim should be honest about the new stadium,that wont happen.
Yes it could all have been CCFC's, indeed that was the intention from 2003 onwards, unfortunately successive boards and owners at CCFC had no real notion of partnership and building let alone a sense of community or empathy with fans. Yes other parties played their part, sometimes ego's personalities and pig headed stubbornness played their part.

But the biggest reason CCFC do not and look likely not to own even part of the Ricoh is the owners and directors CCFC has had the gross misfortune to endure


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You'll get crap gates for London Welsh and the like. But huge gates for Leicester, or Northampton. Immense for any of the Irish teams. Ditto Toulon, et. I'm guessing they've taken a view on the average

No segregation at Rugby games either so every seat will be available to sell. You'll probably be able to drink at your seat as well. When I've been to Twickenham I've always sat with a tray of Guinness at my feet. I guess that is the one bonus I can take from all of this. I should be able to get a decent pint of Guinness at half time now.


New Member
Thanks OSB58 The best post i have read for months. SISU could have done the same as WASPS,but they wanted the RICOH for nothing. Tim ,pay the rent , keep your mouth shut and see how we go. Stop dreaming about a Lego ground.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully no ccfc fan who boycotted Sixfields will go.....that would be a tad hypocritical

I'd be very surprised if they get any more than 3.5-4k for the average game.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)

You see, I don't go along with this hypocritical stuff. I boycotted Sixfields because SISU moved my football team away from Coventry. Franchising didn't come into it for me. The club was moved as a "weapon" for SISU to get what they wanted, and I wasn't going to support that..

And I might very well go to see Wasps playing, the way I have watched Arsenal v Liverpool in the cup at Highfield Road, and many games where I have watched 2 teams play as a neutral. It should be exciting, but I will be a neutral. It definately wont stop me going to the odd game at the Butts, as usual.

I dont agree with moving wasps here, but if it's done, it's done.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The council have performed impeccably representing the interests of average rate payer. They have a responsibility to provide services not prop up ailing Football Clubs.
How on earth anyone (other than those brought up on hand outs) can think otherwise is beyond comprehension.
SISU hoped to milk this warped thinking and have ended up fucking the club over.
They are the problem.


Well-Known Member
You see, I don't go along with this hypocritical stuff. I boycotted Sixfields because SISU moved my football team away from Coventry. Franchising didn't come into it for me. The club was moved as a "weapon" for SISU to get what they wanted, and I wasn't going to support that..

And I might very well go to see Wasps playing, the way I have watched Arsenal v Liverpool in the cup at Highfield Road, and many games where I have watched 2 teams play as a neutral. It should be exciting, but I will be a neutral. It definately wont stop me going to the odd game at the Butts, as usual.

I dont agree with moving wasps here, but if it's done, it's done.

That's fair enough OSB. Very honest answer and of course you are entitled to your opinion.

Won't be an issue for me, because I don't watch rugby other than internationals on the tv and I don't feel any afinity to Wasps.

If say Cov got to a really big game situation I might be tempted to go.

Maybe this whole thing will calm down in time. Tempers are frayed and emotions raw at the moment and there's a lot of generalised, sweeping statements going round on here.

I didn't want Wasps here, but I have now already moved on. As you say, what's done is done and now we have to deal with it.

Free country. People can choose to go or not to go as they please.

And you are right about the Sisu/Northampton thing. That was down to a petty, petulant squabble in the end. Wasps have genuinely been looking for a new home for some time.

Just wish they had found one a lot closer to London.
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Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Hopefully no ccfc fan who boycotted Sixfields will go.....that would be a tad hypocritical

I'd be very surprised if they get any more than 3.5-4k for the average game.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)

I for one will not watch Wasps but will still go to the Butts to watch the real Coventry Rugby club,why because this is totally wrong,I actually feel sorry for Grendel who will probably have to attend certain Wasp matches:eek:

Deleted member 5849

Maybe this whole thing will calm down in time. Tempers are frayed and emotions raw at the moment and there's a lot of generalised, sweeping statements going round at the moment.

I have to say, as it stands this is me done, and I'll be offski again. Even CCFC buying half the arena wouldn't be enough for me, I don't want to be part of a co-owned finance driven sporting conglomerate. It's been shit really for ages. First we get bought by a slightly dubious financial organisation, then we sign a distinctly dubious centre forward for money rather than ethical reasons... then soime of the fucking fans of the same team spend their time being moronic and categorising people into SISU loving pigeon-holes... and now it seems the social element of society is just as ruthless and money-grabbing as the rest.

Well... not for me. Sure it is for some and that's fine... but not for me.

Unlike the likes of Italia however, if I decide to bog off I'll just go, rather than repeating it over and over again, so take this as a one-off ;)

Deleted member 5849

I for one will not watch Wasps but will still go to the Butts to watch the real Coventry Rugby club,why because this is totally wrong,

You make a fair point actually. Maybe I can find salvation in being a bit more proactive there. Might even be able to persuade my Dad to go, and he hasn't been to a game since the 1970s!


Well-Known Member
I have to say, as it stands this is me done, and I'll be offski again. Even CCFC buying half the arena wouldn't be enough for me, I don't want to be part of a co-owned finance driven sporting conglomerate. It's been shit really for ages. First we get bought by a slightly dubious financial organisation, then we sign a distinctly dubious centre forward for money rather than ethical reasons... then soime of the fucking fans of the same team spend their time being moronic and categorising people into SISU loving pigeon-holes... and now it seems the social element of society is just as ruthless and money-grabbing as the rest.

Well... not for me. Sure it is for some and that's fine... but not for me.

Unlike the likes of Italia however, if I decide to bog off I'll just go, rather than repeating it over and over again, so take this as a one-off ;)

Respect your thoughts NW.

Think we could lose a few fans through this. If Sisu left though, I think we'd get quite a lot back too.

For me it is all about the team and I was so proud last night to see 9 academy players shining out there on the pitch.

I hope at least we will now be on a better rent deal at the Ricoh and our future is a little rosier. Don't want Cov or Cov fans to suffer either.

It's Wasps fans who are the biggest losers in all this. Such a shame that's it has come to this.


Well-Known Member
Worst of all for me is the scenario for Cov Rugby. The best thing they could do is be defiant in their independence and fight to keep CRFC a competitor and completely unique local team. It seems to me they are making a grave mistake in embracing this abomination and talking about collaboration which will likely turn them into Wasps reserves. Given the choice of Wasps and Wasps reserves who are the rugby folk going to pay to watch ?
I'm confident if the Blue and Whites shunned this franchise then their fans will stick loyal, if they don't it's the beginning of the end and a sneaky merger will prevail in time to bring in the name 'Coventry' to add to Wasps.


Well-Known Member
You make a fair point actually. Maybe I can find salvation in being a bit more proactive there. Might even be able to persuade my Dad to go, and he hasn't been to a game since the 1970s!

The irony is NW, when I go to see Cov, I have a much better afternoon generally, than I do watching CCFC, yet my season ticket is always for the sky blues (except at Sixfields of course)...

Deleted member 5849

Worst of all for me is the scenario for Cov Rugby. The best thing they could do is be defiant in their independence and fight to keep CRFC a competitor and completely unique local team. It seems to me they are making a grave mistake in embracing this abomination and talking about collaboration which will likely turn them into Wasps reserves. Given the choice of Wasps and Wasps reserves who are the rugby folk going to pay to watch ?
I'm confident if the Blue and Whites shunned this franchise then their fans will stick loyal, if they don't it's the beginning of the end and a sneaky merger will prevail in time to bring in the name 'Coventry' to add to Wasps.

Problem is, once the deal's been done, what can Cov Rugby do?

They've been stitched up, zero consultation, zero chance to make a noise.

But now the council seem happy to stick a club above them, it suggests they wouldn't bat much of an eyelid if they went pop, so sometimes you have to pick your battles... and maybe hope Wasps go pop first!


Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see how this pans out in respect of the Ricoh, the surrounding land and its development.
The station is underway, there are swathes of land ripe for regeneration with doorstep access to M6, etc.

What else do we know?


Well-Known Member
Worst of all for me is the scenario for Cov Rugby. The best thing they could do is be defiant in their independence and fight to keep CRFC a competitor and completely unique local team. It seems to me they are making a grave mistake in embracing this abomination and talking about collaboration which will likely turn them into Wasps reserves. Given the choice of Wasps and Wasps reserves who are the rugby folk going to pay to watch ?
I'm confident if the Blue and Whites shunned this franchise then their fans will stick loyal, if they don't it's the beginning of the end and a sneaky merger will prevail in time to bring in the name 'Coventry' to add to Wasps.

Still shaking my head at how weak and wishy washy Cov rugby were in all this.

Was expecting total defiance, but what we got was a whimper.

It made it so difficult. Cov rugby sort of shrugged their shoulders, us City fans were against it, Wasps fans didn't even seem to want to bother to come on here and join forces with us in a protest and Sisu just kept schtum for nearly two weeks and then came out with a 'we will not interfere.'

It's been quite a weak response all round. Lots of bending over and clutching ankles.

M&B Stand

Well-Known Member
“The revenue from these facilities, combined with Wasps existing revenues, will result in Wasps immediately becoming the highest turnover rugby club in the Aviva Premiership.”

THIS IS WHY-CCFC had to own their own stadium.

No playing Second bastard fiddle to egg chasers in our own backyard!

Too late for all of the anti-SISU brigade to realise what actual was going on all the time!

nouveau riche mockney rugger bugger cunts

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
You make a fair point actually. Maybe I can find salvation in being a bit more proactive there. Might even be able to persuade my Dad to go, and he hasn't been to a game since the 1970s!

It's a good afternoon out people are friendly nice clubhouse,ok its not topflight rugby they're in the third division but then again so are city. Plus it'll piss of Richardson and his mob if they ever watch City at the Ricoh and see a few of us weating Cov shirts.

Neutral Fan

I didn't want Wasps here, but I have now already moved on. As you say, what's done is done and now we have to deal with it.


Sorry but I find that totally hypocritical. After 1 day (less than) you've "moved on". But after a year at Sixfields you hadn't moved on at all and were still demanding the reversal of the (temporary) franchise to Northampton.

if SISU now move CCFC somewhere near to Birmingham will you have moved on by the end of that afternoon? I suspect not.
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Deleted member 5849

If Sisu left though, I think we'd get quite a lot back too.

To me that'd be a pyrrhic victory though. Why sell your soul? It didn't work when we moved from Robinson to SISU after all...

For me it is all about the team and I was so proud last night to see 9 academy players shining out there on the pitch.

And I'd never have a go at that because why should I? What will be will be, people will either watch or not. To me, the team needs the foundations though, else it ain't possible to watch the players and be proud further down the line. But... we've been there done that over the years ;)

I hope at least we will now be on a better rent deal at the Ricoh and our future is a little rosier.

Back to that pyrrhic victory though. It's all so stupid to run leisure as a business, but everyone tries it as nobody wants to pay for it. Really... no matter if SISU are an evil hedge fund, we should have been bending over backwards to offer the long least, peppercorn rent yadda yadda yadda. In return, regardless of the rent, we shouldn't have had owners that wanted to break a monopoly on sports stadium supply or make a profit out of which team we were stupid enough to have foist upon us because of where we were born yadda yadda yadda... and nor should we have tried to break the monopoly on sports team supply either:facepalm: You'd think it's common sense that there's a sense of well-being and togetherness that's worth more than cash... but everyone loses sight of that. Although maybe Tussauds/Merlin would have been a decent advisor on how to make it work, eh.

In the end there's no 'victory' in beating SISU - it ends up a speculation that didn't work out, if it fails. There's certainly no victory in out-SISU'ing SISU.

And (amazingly!) we're now left with a situation worse than I ever predicted when they came in. I thought it'd be as simple as they just wound us up about now!

Instead the carnage is strewn around... and still it goes on.

Deleted member 5849

It's a good afternoon out people are friendly nice clubhouse,ok its not topflight rugby they're in the third division but then again so are city.

tbh never really given a fuck about league status. Whenever I've lived away have tended to watch the local lower league sides on spare days and, tbh, far far more fun than CCFC!


Well-Known Member
To me that'd be a pyrrhic victory though. Why sell your soul? It didn't work when we moved from Robinson to SISU after all...

And I'd never have a go at that because why should I? What will be will be, people will either watch or not. To me, the team needs the foundations though, else it ain't possible to watch the players and be proud further down the line. But... we've been there done that over the years ;)

Back to that pyrrhic victory though. It's all so stupid to run leisure as a business, but everyone tries it as nobody wants to pay for it. Really... no matter if SISU are an evil hedge fund, we should have been bending over backwards to offer the long least, peppercorn rent yadda yadda yadda. In return, regardless of the rent, we shouldn't have had owners that wanted to break a monopoly on sports stadium supply or make a profit out of which team we were stupid enough to have foist upon us because of where we were born yadda yadda yadda... and nor should we have tried to break the monopoly on sports team supply either:facepalm: You'd think it's common sense that there's a sense of well-being and togetherness that's worth more than cash... but everyone loses sight of that. Although maybe Tussauds/Merlin would have been a decent advisor on how to make it work, eh.

In the end there's no 'victory' in beating SISU - it ends up a speculation that didn't work out, if it fails. There's certainly no victory in out-SISU'ing SISU.

And (amazingly!) we're now left with a situation worse than I ever predicted when they came in. I thought it'd be as simple as they just wound us up about now!

Instead the carnage is strewn around... and still it goes on.

I agree there is no victory. I have said I would now be happy with Sisu owning the Ricoh as long as caveats were put in place to protect the Ricoh.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but I find that totally hypocritical. After 1 day (less than) you've "moved on". But after a year at Sixfields you hadn't moved on at all and were still demanding the reversal of the (temporary) franchise to Northampton.

if SISU now move CCFS somewhere near to Birmingham will you have moved on by the end of that afternoon? I suspect not.

I don't see it as hypocritical at all.

When I say moved on, I mean the deal is done. Nothing we can do. Had the deal not yet been done I could have campaigned against the sale.

The Northampton thing was reversible. We wanted our club back home and Sixfields was supposed to be temporary.

This yesterday was voted in favour by our council. Wasps are there now, today. It's done.

I have moved on from campaigning against the vote to allow Wasps in. They are here already, if you haven't already noticed.


Well-Known Member
Of course, it's the political maneuvering that stopped any campaigning...


That's why I am now spent. What else can we do. The rug was pulled before we'd even known there was a rug there.

Think the only thing we can do now is to boycott Wasps games and their merchandising etc.

What else is there? This agreement is now cast in stone and there's nowt we can do to reverse it.

You fight for something until you know you cannot fight for it anymore.

2 things we can now do. Boycott Wasps and vote out our councillors at the next election. That's it.


I don't know the rules of Rugby, but would go to watch this (Cov that is ):


How on earth didn't he get dropped by that?

Deleted member 5849

2 things we can now do. Boycott Wasps and vote out our councillors at the next election. That's it.

Tend to agree tbh.

On the plus side I don't have to boycott Wasps, as I've never started watching them to be able to stop!


We can all stand on the hill outside the Ricoh shouting scabs at people going in?*

*This was a joke.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Otis
2 things we can now do. Boycott Wasps and vote out our councillors at the next election. That's it.

The third and most important is support the Blue and Whites Coventry RFC....the only innocent party in all this.


New Member
Even so - should ccc/higgs not have gone to the club and asked if they would buy ACL for conditions similar to what Wasps got?

No why on earth should they. If your beloved sisu wanted to buy the Ricoh they should have got off their backsides and negotiated.
It's entirely there own fault they are up ####creek without a paddle.

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