BBC Midlands Today (8 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Anyone see it tonight the feature on city and their desperate fall from grace over the years?
The reporter asked pressley outright how he felt about being responsible if city get relegated and Pressley's face told a story..
Fourth flight of English football was made pretty clear by the BBC they even showed Webster not marking Davies for his goal..

They should get Waggott and fisher on to explain how they have let a club like ours end up in the gutter..


Well-Known Member
Anyone see it tonight the feature on city and their desperate fall from grace over the years?
The reporter asked pressley outright how he felt about being responsible if city get relegated and Pressley's face told a story..
Fourth flight of English football was made pretty clear by the BBC they even showed Webster not marking Davies for his goal..

They should get Waggott and fisher on to explain how they have let a club like ours end up in the gutter..

Or just maybe BBC Midlands Today should be asking more pertinent questions about the way CCFC have been sold down the river by Ann Lucas, her cronies and Coventry City Council!

Also about the roles of others, namely ACL & the Alan Higgs Trust.

SBT's focus and demands are nothing more than laughable, just need a reality check.


Well-Known Member
Or just maybe BBC Midlands Today should be asking more pertinent questions about the way CCFC have been sold down the river by Ann Lucas, her cronies and Coventry City Council!

Also about the roles of others, namely ACL & the Alan Higgs Trust.

SBT's focus and demands are nothing more than laughable, just need a reality check.

SISU's demands and focus was laughable and taking us to Northampton the death knell of our club. Wake up, man!!!


Well-Known Member
Or just maybe BBC Midlands Today should be asking more pertinent questions about the way CCFC have been sold down the river by Ann Lucas, her cronies and Coventry City Council!

Also about the roles of others, namely ACL & the Alan Higgs Trust.

SBT's focus and demands are nothing more than laughable, just need a reality check.

More pertinent questions? What like "why didn't you give sisu the freehold to the ricoh for free?"

AL and her cronies hahahaha but no mention of sisu and their cronies and posters wonder why we think you defend sisu?

SBT have their faults but ateast they have ccfc best interest at heart. Give them a break ffs. They are trying to protect our club we love from dying.


Well-Known Member
Or just maybe BBC Midlands Today should be asking more pertinent questions about the way CCFC have been sold down the river by Ann Lucas, her cronies and Coventry City Council!

Also about the roles of others, namely ACL & the Alan Higgs Trust.

SBT's focus and demands are nothing more than laughable, just need a reality check.

CONFIRMED : You are an idiot. Keep up the good Sisu work :claping hands:


Well-Known Member
Or just maybe BBC Midlands Today should be asking more pertinent questions about the way CCFC have been sold down the river by Ann Lucas, her cronies and Coventry City Council!

Also about the roles of others, namely ACL & the Alan Higgs Trust.

SBT's focus and demands are nothing more than laughable, just need a reality check.

Oh change the record you copy and pasting mofo

Deleted member 5849

Or just maybe BBC Midlands Today should be asking more pertinent questions about the way CCFC have been sold down the river by Ann Lucas, her cronies and Coventry City Council!

Also about the roles of others, namely ACL & the Alan Higgs Trust.

SBT's focus and demands are nothing more than laughable, just need a reality check.

How was your tea?


Well-Known Member
rfc = smoking gun or the soon have a ground #iknowsomethingyoudont...., we all agree that ccc / acl and sisu fooked up big time but you defend sisu like your life depends on it very much like les ried....not related are you


Well-Known Member
Or just maybe BBC Midlands Today should be asking more pertinent questions about the way CCFC have been sold down the river by Ann Lucas, her cronies and Coventry City Council!

Also about the roles of others, namely ACL & the Alan Higgs Trust.

SBT's focus and demands are nothing more than laughable, just need a reality check.

Me thinks it's not only the SBT that needs a reality check


Well-Known Member
The ironic thing is, RFC has directed attention away from a football related post. Nothing to do with the CCC or ACL.

According to the OP, they were interviewing Pressley about poor performances on the pitch and the club's management. Nothing to do with stadium matters....

How's the new years announcement coming along RFC? We are in February now....


Well-Known Member
still don't know why bite on Rfc. he always pops in with 1 post throws his grenade then disappears.
just surprised he didn't end with the usual "better the devil you know"

Deleted member 5849

still don't know why bite on Rfc. he always pops in with 1 post throws his grenade then disappears.
just surprised he didn't end with the usual "better the devil you know"

Still laughing.


Well-Known Member
Shock that RFC has piped up with a venomous cloud of bullshit before vanishing off into thin air to fuck his inflatable sheep again..

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
So Pressley is now talking about staying up I thought this was a season for a promotion push time to go.


Well-Known Member
Yep, Shmmeee does the same, but gets "likes".

I still think RFC is deluded before anyone thinks I'm agreeing with him, just saying there's others than do the same.

still don't know why bite on Rfc. he always pops in with 1 post throws his grenade then disappears.
just surprised he didn't end with the usual "better the devil you know"


Well-Known Member
Or just maybe BBC Midlands Today should be asking more pertinent questions about the way CCFC have been sold down the river by Ann Lucas, her cronies and Coventry City Council!

Also about the roles of others, namely ACL & the Alan Higgs Trust.

SBT's focus and demands are nothing more than laughable, just need a reality check.

You make me want to swear!


Well-Known Member

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
Or just maybe BBC Midlands Today should be asking more pertinent questions about the way CCFC have been sold down the river by Ann Lucas, her cronies and Coventry City Council!

Also about the roles of others, namely ACL & the Alan Higgs Trust.

SBT's focus and demands are nothing more than laughable, just need a reality check.

Yes they could ask Lucas and her cronies those questions but maybe on another day and would they be able to answer due to the endless court cases, today was a day to ask the manager questions about the more important issue the team.

If I could see one interview it would be with Sepalla to ask what she is going to do about things as it is not worth asking her idiots!


Well-Known Member
Or just maybe BBC Midlands Today should be asking more pertinent questions about the way CCFC have been sold down the river by Ann Lucas, her cronies and Coventry City Council!

Also about the roles of others, namely ACL & the Alan Higgs Trust.

SBT's focus and demands are nothing more than laughable, just need a reality check.

OK, you've had your fun, you little internet troll, now please kindly piss off and be a WUM on a different forum.


Well-Known Member
So we add The British Broadcasting Corporation to RFC's list of people/organisations who are picking on SISU. Do you ever think everyone else is right and you and SISU are wrong RFC?

Bill Glazier

Active Member
Or just maybe BBC Midlands Today should be asking more pertinent questions about the way CCFC have been sold down the river by Ann Lucas, her cronies and Coventry City Council!

Also about the roles of others, namely ACL & the Alan Higgs Trust.

SBT's focus and demands are nothing more than laughable, just need a reality check.

Oh FFS stop talking bollocks. Sisu have royally f""""d up their ownership of our club. Their only interest was to get hold of the Ricoh by any means possible for peanuts and have pissed off everyone who had anything to do with them, and they've burned every bridge offered to them. They've completely failed in every single objective. Sisu shouldn't be allowed to own a whelk stall.

Deleted member 5849

Can't any one out RFC, love to know if the idiot has a link to Sisu.

I say again, if they were really here to manipulate, it'd be for t'other side.

Look at the responses every time! If ever someone unites people against the club and for the council, it's him/her/it!

James Smith

Well-Known Member
Or just maybe BBC Midlands Today should be asking more pertinent questions about the way CCFC have been sold down the river by Ann Lucas, her cronies and Coventry City Council!

Also about the roles of others, namely ACL & the Alan Higgs Trust.

SBT's focus and demands are nothing more than laughable, just need a reality check.

What about the fact that we're looking likely to be relegated this season if we don't get some points soon? Yes the council were hypocritical in selling up to an "out of town" team (who moved many more miles than we did) whilst at the same time they berated Sisu for moving us to Sixfields. However they're not responsible for the team or the manager and those are the people who are culpable for our performance on the pitch and position in the table. Please explain how the others you refer to have sold us down the table. Or are you suggesting there's a conspiracy a foot to nobble our players from ACL etc. - and if you are suggesting that please provide evidence of this.

Senior Vick from Alicante

Well-Known Member
The other thing I would like to know RFC is your view on the ongoing court action. The fact that our council has to use our money to defend it's actions from a company that's fucked our club, or are you defending that and the fact that the costs of their litigation will be dumped on our club.

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