The club sits in it's lowest position for 50 years, We have lost our ground to a franchise rugby team, ticket prices are not good value, there is no merchandise to improve income, no marketing, few players that care about our demise, stadium whenever still spouted and a host of pointless court cases still to fund and with that hanging In the air Tim Fisher states the obvious that the club needs more fans and expects them to come trotting meekly from all areas of the Midlands cash in hand.
1, Sack Fisher
2, Sack Waggot
3, Employ ambitious and attack minded manager who knows the lower leagues
4, Abandon Court action
5, Shelve stadium La La Land
6, Apologise to Fans for Northampton
7, Engage positively with Wasps
8, Employ professional Marketing manager
9, Re-unite club shop and home match venue
Meet all those requirements Ms Seppalla or sell the club
Good post . I'm with all of that