A few other overlooked advantages of filling cheaply are encouraging a fan base fir the next generation (although not the sisu way), a % of food and beverage income, more programmes, more shop sales etc. I would think a full Ricoh would attract players if the wages at two clubs were the same offer and I think bigger teams would allow us their better quality youngsters on loan to get them playing in front of a bigger crowd, so definitely merits in cheap tickets to fill it. On the downside I went to watch Leamington earlier this season and was disgusted to pay £12 for a ticket and they ate three leagues below us, with a significantly smaller budget, so we don't need to undersell the product either.
My idea for season tickets would be a sliding scale. On price anywhere and we start off at eg £500. The gardvore would buy one and commit. At 5000 tickets it drops to £400, 10000 its £300 and 15000 its £200. Then we don't give away what we nerd to and all those of us who commit first would do the marketing to push everyone up there to make our own tickets cheaper. Would obviously need a cut off date like 31st July.
.... and whilst we're at it ... why id my dad's ticket cheaper than mine? Yes he's retired, but its not like encouraging z cheap kids ticket for the next 50 years and needing a full price adult to accompany them. Dad is retire andd I guess like most of our older fans has more disposable money than I do, takes up a seat, can get there on his own (in fact fir free if he used the free bud pass he also receives as an oap) and yet pays z fraction of what I do. Clearly having fun and don't begrudge my own dad as no different to others, but oap's imo should pay full price. Tbh if they're still going at that age, then not many are giving up going based on price.