Now, I am never one to ask for freedom of information requests. However, seeing that the Coventry to Nuneaton line had its conception on the 11.05.1987. A little over 28 years ago. The line has added 1 passenger every 57 days or so for each hour peak time.
Colin Knight, Coventry council’s assistant director of transport has said that the line, "even at peak times there are empty seats”.
I would reckon there are empty seats at peak times on the bus route from Coventry to Nuneaton and back as well, and I would call the buses full. I think the problem here maybe is in the difference between a subjective and an objective answer.
Is there anyway we can get the usage of buses and trains at peak time, going from Coventry and Nuneaton and back per hour, and compare the two figures over a significant time-scale etc.
Usage and capacity per hour in peak time for both bus and trains would be good to know going back several years. I have a feeling something is not quite right here.