Recent content by Adamrb

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    Championship thread 24/25!

    Just need Gus to leave now
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    I’m surprised Prem clubs seem to be looking at Sheaf ahead of Gus given rumoured prices. Probably think they can get Ben on the cheap. I know they are both different cm’s but Hamer is more unique imo.
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    Summer transfer window 2024

    Hoping we’re well placed to get a top loan or two in. Been a while since we got one of them.
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    Transfer targets

    I’d say Wright and Simms could define the season tbh
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    Doug on CWR

    I guess Lati becomes a DM option if we strengthen back line further. Need at least one cb or dm though surely
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    Transfer targets

    Really wanted him if we couldn’t get kitching
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    Liam Kitching

    Is Humphries - the Chelsea lad - still up for loan?
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    Any idea on fee breakdown yet? What’s up front etc?
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    Match Thread Coventry City - Middlesbrough Match Thread - Saturday 12th Aug

    Feels a big game today. Be nice to show the league we can still compete without Gus
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    Transfer targets

    I’m not saying he is a bad player but anyone saying they wouldn’t prefer Archer for similar fee is kidding themselves
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    Transfer targets

    Shame we’ve spent all our cash on Wright
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    SIGNED!!!! - Tatsuhiro Sakamoto

    What was the fee? Not played at a high level but trust the recruitment team if they think he’s good enough. Sounds good for squad versatility as well
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    Match Thread Rotherham

    Massive half coming up for the immediate future of this football club. They are there for the taking, we have to capitalise! Come on City!!!