If I was Sheafs agent I would point to the fact in most of those seasons we have collectively started poorly and Sheaf is always injured by winter, typically when we kick into gear!
It's circa 32k if we're putting another tier on a stand I would suggest behind one or other of the goals. Personally, I think if we're going to add capacity we should be slightly more ambitious and add 10k not 3k. Based on economies of scale we may as well spend a bit extra with one eye on the...
Great point, haven't we sold 2 promising plahers to man city and 1 x to man utd in recent years. I know we also sold to Everton as well a few years ago. If All of those lads had stayed rather than their family seeing the ££££ signs then one or two might have made the first team.
No concerns with 4 at the back (until we start leaking goals again) but feel we lack something with 1 up front and while this looks fine on paper, I personally would keep Torp on the bench and play with 2 forwards.
Robins had some tactical limitations but it seems your trying to join dots without consideration of the wider circumstances that were going on within the club at the end of last season..
How many teams lose in a huge career defining game in front of millions round the world and then get up for...
That said never questioned the commitment of anyone on the list. Also as a club we progressed fast through the leagues and that exposed one or two to scrutiny that they would not have got had we remained in league 1 etc.