Recent content by gally9

  1. gally9

    Transfer Rumour Norman Bassette

    Similar, but instead of tugging it’s more windmilling.. I’ve heard..
  2. gally9

    Match Thread Oxford United (H) [LC] 27 Aug 7:45pm KO

    Jay Da Silva looking good too.. quality for that move at the end
  3. gally9

    2024-25 Championship preview and predictions

    Sorry! I meant the second tier
  4. gally9

    2024-25 Championship preview and predictions

    NTTT20 Podcast has us 2nd.
  5. gally9

    Podcast Unable to tame the Tigers

    Can’t see this on Apple?
  6. gally9

    Red button through an Amazon Fire stick remote

    You can sometimes find them on now tv in the very bottom section of the homepage
  7. gally9

    Watch this and try not to laugh

    Look at the state of his bedroom.. he’s a grown man ffs
  8. gally9

    Transfer Shouts

    Seems like the recruitment department is starting from scratch again, we’ve had this for years.. Pressley spoke about the recruitment department leaving and taking the database with them, and procedures were being put in place to stop it happening.
  9. gally9

    Doug King Takeover

    Is your name David aswell?
  10. gally9


    Same ball boy minutes earlier flicked the bird at there player when he miscontrolled it out for a throw… proper shithouse
  11. gally9

    Two Tone 3rd Kit? (Again)

    If you look on the Ricoh return shirt, it says Coventry 4th kit on the label. So I believe this
  12. gally9

    Pre Season 21/22 Thread

    Apparently an outbreak of Covid at the Leamington Assembly for 2 of the England games, O hare was at at least one of them. That’s why he isn’t in Spain.
  13. gally9


  14. gally9

    Three years a go today

    Mad the difference in fortunes between the 2 clubs after that day.
  15. gally9

    European breakaway league

    Didn’t consider that.. bloody awful. Imagine having your club torn away from you........... wait..