Recent content by wantageskyblue

  1. W

    Spotting fellow Cov fans in the wild

    On holiday in Benidorm in 1983 met one of the main lads from The Legion ( he was from Nuneaton). He recognised me from one of the last games in 82 at Maine Road (iirc correctly we won because of a Steve Whitton hat-trick) when i was wearing a US pilot jacket. Bumped into him and his mates away...
  2. W

    Oxford Away March 1st Tickets

    The Catherine Wheel Sandford -on - Thames - 10/15 minute walk to ground with on street parking near by and fairly quick get away after match
  3. W

    Oxford Away March 1st Tickets

    Thanks for the heads up. Just got mine - apart from Swindon this is the closest league ground to me.
  4. W

    Overrated players

    i do - you are right he was dreadful. It was like he had a live hand grenade at his feet when he had the ball. IIRC he was highly rated at Crewe as well - not sure what happened when he moved to us.
  5. W

    Oxford Away March 1st Tickets

    I’ve done it several times particularly at Leicester but I was also at the back of the Trinity Road stand at Villa when Moldovan scored in front of us in the Cup match. My mates and I thought we were the only Cov fans in that stand but when he scored we saw that we weren’t alone! Locals were not...
  6. W

    Oxford Away March 1st Tickets

    No chance at all I’m afraid as they are selling out every week in the home end.
  7. W

    Road closures

    I didn’t bother going on Wednesday partly because of the road closures and the issues with getting out of car park C. I can put up with it on a Saturday but for evening matches I’m not getting home until around 12.30am. I am retiring later this year so hopefully will feel different about it...
  8. W

    Sheffield Wed Away Tickets

    I was there that night but don’t remember the crush you mention. What i do remember though is that the referee was Keith Hackett (from Sheffield) and that nearly every decision he made went against us.
  9. W


    I pay a small fortune for Car Park C too and the road closures post game, combined with the free for all trying to get out, mean that I now just have a drink in the casino afterwards. Less stressful as it’s really quiet 40 mins after game finishes but equally annoying when it takes at least 90...
  10. W

    Season over already?

    Pretty sure he was - he joined us in late 2022 and those players were signed in 2023.
  11. W

    Waiting for the Dust to settle…

    Did I say he was the answer?
  12. W

    2025/26 Season Ticket

    I sympathise with him there. There’s also the constant international breaks, numerous mid week games and changing of kick off times from 3pm Saturday that annoy me too. Like a lot of people on here I travel a fair distance to home games and just feel less inclined to do it as much given the...
  13. W

    Waiting for the Dust to settle…

    “That is on Robins and the recruitment team, Lampard is working with what he has” And by all accounts the owner who allegedly , wouldn’t sanction the signing of 2 experienced players, one of them being Matty James. So perhaps its not FL who needs to learn things?
  14. W

    Hull away support

    Exactly. i was a regular away fan in the late 70s and the early 80s in the Division 1 days and our support was all too often dire i.e. no more than a couple of hundred. 1st time I heard the ‘taxi’ song was at Old Trafford last game of the season in 1980, sung at us. I remember going to...