Transfer Rumour Matt Grimes (1 Viewer)

Winny the Bish

Well-Known Member
I could definitely see an announcement Friday evening. Conveniently late enough for us to have not registered him in time to face Swansea.

To be fair, Swanseae could just refuse to sign the deal sheet until 12:01. Well within their rights to do that.


Well-Known Member
Four games in ten days coming up and Grimes can’t play in the cup so even if he misses this he can play the two midweek games and Allen can play Saturday and the cup. Just the other ten we need to worry about then.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Give him his debut vs Leeds, they hate him and thinks leeds is shit


Well-Known Member
can't see him playing on saturday, tbh. there's almost certainly a gentleman's agreement not to play him, but his head would be all over the place anyway. he was there a very long time, and was clearly a key player for them.
hope he's at the game, and hope the home fans get to say their goodbyes to him.


Well-Known Member
Can we play guess the announcement tweet now?

I’d like to see a Simpsons reference but knowing our media team it’ll be some grime reference I don’t understand.


Well-Known Member
But there’s a bit more nuance to it. Would king maybe go that extra yard for a new manager who hasn’t signed any players yet, yes. Was king maybe nervous about signing loans when last year one got recalled/sent back and the other (who was on a very good salary) only played half the games, again yes

Does it mean king was refusing to sign any loans or older players, no

Edit - I agree it’s not difficult to get any old loan player in. However to find a player that you think will improve your team and then get a parent club to release a player when they’ll probably not be a certain starter and last year your two loans didn’t play regularly…and you’ve just spent 40m on improving your squad, is a bit more challenging
We had three brilliant loan players when we got to the play off final, plus one ok. Three loans in January. They are out there.


Well-Known Member
I don't get all the shit Andy Turner gets for this sort of thing. He's got an in with the club, if he goes leaking anything official, he loses that privilege. They'd have given him confirmation, then he posts. He posts some clickbait nonsense, but that's just the industry now


Well-Known Member
Utter rubbish. Stats-wise he's been pretty much one of the best in his position in this league over the past couple of years.
I wonder if Sheaf is looking for a move or nursing an injury as reported on here (having injections before a match). Don't know if any of this is true, but he has been a shadow of the player he has been in previous seasons. Of course, until recently, the whole team were below par on many occasions.


Well-Known Member
Have to say I agree with this, he looked poor in his first season. Was then out injured when we had an upturn in form, then improved in the third season. His fourth season when his contract was expiring he was absolute class, and then he left on a free, and those near post floated corners...jesus.

You could argue that he didn't have the players around him to make use of his vision in that first year and I know people have different opinions of him, including ex players, but that's what I felt at the time.
Strange, throughout his career was a smoker, but mainlined on the legal ritalin.


Well-Known Member
I don't get all the shit Andy Turner gets for this sort of thing. He's got an in with the club, if he goes leaking anything official, he loses that privilege. They'd have given him confirmation, then he posts. He posts some clickbait nonsense, but that's just the industry now
Evening Andy 😉

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