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  1. B

    New pitch incoming

    Does when Alan Titchmarsh is laying it.
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    Might be a decent afternoon.

    I love them all and a fair few others:facepalm:
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    Has the penny dropped yet?

    All depends which one of him is in control at any given time and or if he's taken his medication or not.
  4. B

    Has the penny dropped yet?

    You're back:claping hands::claping hands::claping hands::claping hands: Oh goody I have missed you:p:p:p
  5. B

    The future

    So they didn't ask Eastwood any questions from here including yours? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Driverless cars in Coventry

    Think they are already on our roads but they're actually vans not very good though one cut me and a couple of others up on the way to work this morning. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    When and where is the JR appeal hearing?

    What they have been after for a while,they would use the JR judgement in a civil case for damages,while there is a millionth of a per cent chance, they will carry on with it.
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    Has anyone got any updates from the SBT meeting tonight?

    Will someone explain that I was taking the piss note the exclamation marks and who was I taking the piss out of ? Well it wasn't Sinner! Also can somebody tell the c**t that I will not answer him even if I'm doing it in a roundabout way now Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. B

    Has anyone got any updates from the SBT meeting tonight?

    Don't take it personally Sinner there are a few on here that don't understand "I only want to watch my team" not that I'll be watching your team unless you get relegated and Cov promoted. However I don't wish you any ill. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Has anyone got any updates from the SBT meeting tonight?

    People wanted to know how CCFC were going to be affected what there plans were got some answers and not others same as when Fisher turned up. I suppose we could have got a lot further by at both meetings calling them all the cunts in the world presumably that would have been productive.
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    Has anyone got any updates from the SBT meeting tonight?

    I cant say for definate that they wont can you say for definate that they will?
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    Has anyone got any updates from the SBT meeting tonight?

    Why,didnt kick the shit out of Fisher either
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    Has anyone got any updates from the SBT meeting tonight?

    Said they weren't changing them because to them it doesnt matter what colour they are could be telling porkies mind
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    Has anyone got any updates from the SBT meeting tonight?

    What are we going to do next season at least at the moment we can blame the pitch for our players misplaced passes
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    Has anyone got any updates from the SBT meeting tonight?

    Next season I think not sure should ask somebody that was paying more attention:facepalm: