I'm not trying to make that out, it's only looking that way because you refuse to answer the question!!!
Let's try another tack. Nick; please can you give me a suggestion about what actions can be planned that could unite CCFC fans against SISU? Please can you make that suggestion in your next...
You are choosing not to spend 10 seconds giving me an example and you can't refer to me to any examples in your history but for some reason you expect me now to take you sufficiently seriously to start searching through years of posts? Wouldn't it be quicker to say something about dressing up as...
Why indeed? But you are. I haven't read 99% of your posts so I'm in no position to say you haven't come up with some ideas but frankly it's strange that you keep saying "I've given it lots of thought and had lots of ideas" without giving an actual example. Why won't you?
As with yesterday, it's not enough to proclaim something. Seeing is believing. I'm not saying you haven't had campaign ideas, I'm asking you to share with us what they are. Instead, your deflecting, squirming and lashing out at me.