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  1. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    If you were being cynical you’d suggest that they’ve taken all of last year’s profits out as one last hurrah before dumping it and the government to pick up the pieces. Read in an earlier article about how they’re going to run out of money next year and last year they made a profit of… checks...
  2. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    How on earth was Thames Water allowed to pay out £158 in dividends in March and then plead poverty today? The system is so loaded.
  3. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    If nothing else it created some good memes My personal favourite
  4. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    Elon Musk impersonator.
  5. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    It really was a wasted 14 years when you look back
  6. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    Certainly used to be allowed. When I left school at 16 none of my mates or myself went on to further education and we were all working in garages, on building sites etc at 16 full time on YTS’ except a day or 2 at college depending on what trade you were doing. Not sure why they changed it so...
  7. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    It is. I think and hope he’ll persevere as it’s a good trade to have and to be blunt he’s not academically minded but does have a practical mind that means he’s took to to it like a duck to water and if he does persevere he’ll earn a good living out of it. He’s a brute of a lad too, he’s looked...
  8. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    Can’t central government step in and overrule if they’re unhappy how local government is handling it?
  9. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    It’s not irrelevant, it shows the scale of the task. We’re building about 210K homes a year at the moment the Tories grew the annual house building figure by 900 last year. I do feel Labour are setting themselves up for a fall though as they’ve put all the emphasis on planning rules, it’s bigger...
  10. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    Presumably that’s additional every year on top of the previous year. That would put us on almost 300K a year by the end of the current parliament. To put that into some sort of context if they can deliver an extra 14k year on year that would be an 13,100 extra homes than the Tories delivered in...
  11. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    All the culture war bollocks was very hard right, especially the attacks on the LGBTQ+ community with one specific minority of the LGBTQ+ being especially targeted. Attacking minorities is straight out of the far right playbook. It’s also straight out of the playbook of Orbán.
  12. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    I think you need to open your eyes.
  13. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    They’re a damn site nearer to the far right than they are the centre that’s for sure. They’ve spent the last 12 months especially trying to make immigration the biggest issue. Text book far right. But the truth is they’ve been flirting with it since May was Home Secretary.
  14. skybluetony176

    What's your dream car?

    Xantia? I had one and the same thing happened.
  15. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    You see this is what they do. They shift the line so that can claim to not be far right implicating that they must be centre right while claiming moronic things like the current Labour Party is the furthest left Labour Party in modern history when it’s centre left at best and not even the...
  16. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    You mean aside from a bunch of cunts? Whatever they are you’re ridiculous if you think that they were centre right.
  17. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    Centre right. Good one. Classic.
  18. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    What’s that all about? Haven’t seen anything. Coincidentally an online political commentator was predicting this a week ago and saying it might stop her running for leadership of the Tories simply because she won’t be available for the election. I dismissed it as wishful thinking but maybe he...
  19. skybluetony176

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    I would have agreed but the last Tory government appointees are still fresh in my mind, and their parliamentary party was even worse.
  20. skybluetony176

    What's your dream car?

    285 degree crossplane crank twins, KTM are the only company making them pretty much and apparently it’s the optimum degree on a crank for a parallel twin. Most modern parallel twin are 270 for mass production and cost. Not tried a KTM but heard they’re the nuts.