This football club is not pining! This football club has passed on! This football club is no more! This football club has ceased to be! The football club's expired and gone to meet its maker! This football club's a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! If you nailed this football club to a pearch, it would be pushing up the daisies! Its metabolic processes are now history! This football club is off the twig! This football club has kicked the bucket, this football club has shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile! This is an ex-football club.
Put 'I am the resurrection' on the stereo* and believe. Today is the day that the city rises once more from the ashes and agony. Unfit owners, shit players, no stadium, supporter apathy, media laughing stock and a losing mentality will be no more*, for one man will lead us from this wreckage, a king amongst men, a modern day footballing Moses.
Step forward that man. Mark Robins*
*#1 or iPod equivalent
*#2 or more of these things may not change
*#3 or Richard Shaw or Paul Ince or A N Other
Put 'I am the resurrection' on the stereo* and believe. Today is the day that the city rises once more from the ashes and agony. Unfit owners, shit players, no stadium, supporter apathy, media laughing stock and a losing mentality will be no more*, for one man will lead us from this wreckage, a king amongst men, a modern day footballing Moses.
Step forward that man. Mark Robins*
*#1 or iPod equivalent
*#2 or more of these things may not change
*#3 or Richard Shaw or Paul Ince or A N Other