So, yesterday I popped to Tesco, as they were selling off all their Christmas stuff, i.e. biscuits and chocolate and paper etc
Was looking to see if I could nab any bargains, when I had suddenly had to stop and step out the way as an assistant was coming down the aisle, with a trolley of stock
Which just happened to be full of ......... Easter eggs.
So, yesterday I popped to Tesco, as they were selling off all their Christmas stuff, i.e. biscuits and chocolate and paper etc
Was looking to see if I could nab any bargains, when I had suddenly had to stop and step out the way as an assistant was coming down the aisle, with a trolley of stock
Which just happened to be full of ......... Easter eggs.
If people didn’t buy it now they wouldn’t put it out. These shops also know that loads of people that buy now will not keep them in the cupboard until Easter. It will be eaten long before that and they will buy more.
So, yesterday I popped to Tesco, as they were selling off all their Christmas stuff, i.e. biscuits and chocolate and paper etc
Was looking to see if I could nab any bargains, when I had suddenly had to stop and step out the way as an assistant was coming down the aisle, with a trolley of stock
Which just happened to be full of ......... Easter eggs.
If people didn’t buy it now they wouldn’t put it out. These shops also know that loads of people that buy now will not keep them in the cupboard until Easter. It will be eaten long before that and they will buy more.