That's why I always ring the police in a succession of different accents! Mr. Brummie, Mr. Geordie, Mr. Asthma, Mrs. Old Lady, Mr. Sore Throat, Mr. Black, Mr. Pink etc.
That's why I always ring the police in a succession of different accents! Mr. Brummie, Mr. Geordie, Mr. Asthma, Mrs. Old Lady, Mr. Sore Throat, Mr. Black, Mr. Pink etc.
On a lighter note, Mr Glasgow is always good to deploy...I used to wind my mate up with prank calls from a "Willy McGlasgow" who was confusing my mate with someone who was: not delivering his weed on time, not picking him up from a heroin run, getting his 16 year old daughter up the duff and not being Scottish enough to breathe Scottish air.
Not sure why I’m asking on here, but have any of you had experience of dealing with antisocial Neighbors?
I live in a privately rented semi with my young family (lad 3 & a lass just 1) been happily in the same house for over 10 years. The house attached is owned by the council but we have never had an issue with a resident before
In July last year a new family moved in and have been making our life hell ever since. Not going to go into details of them or their circumstances but from what I gather there is just a mum with 6 kids, 2 dogs and at estimate 6 cats.
There is a massive amount of loud noise well into the early hours nearly daily , Arguments and crashing around. Loud drum & bass sporadically. One of the kids plays computer games all night to the point it still sounds like WW3 when I get up for work.
I go around and explain I have little kids that need to sleep and usually they relent and turn the music down slightly (with a large dose of attitude thrown in)
Their garden looks like a rubbish dump and their cats crap all over ours to the point im not letting my kids use it.
We have been attempting to keep things civil and talk face to face but the endless noise and parties over the Xmas period was the final straw.
Finally had to put in an official complaint but am now pretty edgy over if it was the correct decision as the family is fairly notorious in our area.
So have any of you been through similar, what were your experiences. We don’t want to be forced out but kind of feel we may have no choice.
I've had some dreadful experiences and it does take over your life because even when it's not happening you are waiting for it to start. Record everything, keep on at the noise pollution/environmental bods and badger the council.
Wait till they are out and kick the fucking back door in.
Trash the place and let the pets out in the street.
Take all the electrical appliances so they can't play any music.
Make sure you don't keep hold of any stuff so you can't be caught.
They are obviously scum bags without insurance so they will take time to buy more stuff.
You may need to do this a couple of times but they will soon move out
Not sure why I’m asking on here, but have any of you had experience of dealing with antisocial Neighbors?
I live in a privately rented semi with my young family (lad 3 & a lass just 1) been happily in the same house for over 10 years. The house attached is owned by the council but we have never had an issue with a resident before
In July last year a new family moved in and have been making our life hell ever since. Not going to go into details of them or their circumstances but from what I gather there is just a mum with 6 kids, 2 dogs and at estimate 6 cats.
There is a massive amount of loud noise well into the early hours nearly daily , Arguments and crashing around. Loud drum & bass sporadically. One of the kids plays computer games all night to the point it still sounds like WW3 when I get up for work.
I go around and explain I have little kids that need to sleep and usually they relent and turn the music down slightly (with a large dose of attitude thrown in)
Their garden looks like a rubbish dump and their cats crap all over ours to the point im not letting my kids use it.
We have been attempting to keep things civil and talk face to face but the endless noise and parties over the Xmas period was the final straw.
Finally had to put in an official complaint but am now pretty edgy over if it was the correct decision as the family is fairly notorious in our area.
So have any of you been through similar, what were your experiences. We don’t want to be forced out but kind of feel we may have no choice.
No one should have to tolerate this. From my experiences the best results come by getting your local councillor on board. When councillors start looking into things on your behalf, then things tend to move more quickly. There's no point in complaining further to the offender in my experience, if you've asked them more than once then that should be sufficient.
I'd also frame it as anti-social behaviour rather than just noise nuisance - especially if we're talking about loud arguments, foul language or violence. If their garden is a completely unhygenic tip this can help your case too!
Email your councillor, don't underplay your situation, and make sure to mention the fact that you have young children and it's upsetting to them. It's election time soon, but all cynicism aside councillors can really help with this sort of thing. Find yours here...
Whitefriars, who I believe run a lot of what used to be council housing, have the power to evict tenants who behave like this. If you're not sure if the people in question are Whitefriars tenants, get a complaint off to them anyway on general principle.
Evidence is key. Keep a diary, starting tonight. When I was suffering in the early hours of the morning I'd email my councillor and/or the noise nuisance team ( explaining exactly what was going on, and how it was making me feel. It's a handy way of establishing an evidence trail capturing the time of the events, and I also found it vaguely theraputic - at least it feels like you're doing something.
I have massive sympathy for you, as I suspect does everyone here who has had to suffer through something similar. If you stick at it, the authorities will have to take action, but in all honesty it isn't likely to happen overnight. Let us know how you're doing... vent here rather than doing anything silly.
They can still harass you even after they've been evicted, they just get their ASBO friends in the area to act on their behalf. It's almost impossible to prove who's behind it and the police aren't about to devote huge resources to finding out.
I also know of Whitefriars tenants who've supposedly been 'evicted' then immediately rehoused in another Whitefriars property just around the corner.
He's correct get your councillor, but as you are privately renting cant you find another property .i know its not your fault but maybe easier and safer