Heading translates (roughly) to: Case study 4 - with urban development city directs. City to own, as for management the third sector - the Ricoh arena (England,)
It would take me quite some time to go through the whole document but quickly scanning, it just looks like some sort of feasibility study?
Just looked into it - and noticed Nick Mann = Fund Manager , done a bit of a search on him and found this :
Nick Mann Oberon Asset Management
Nick Mann set up Oberon Asset Management, a Japanese equity specialist, in 1998. Oberon is now part of SISU Capital, a hedge fund group running approximately $1.5 billion, including a small cap Japanese equity long/short fund, for which he is responsible.
Been translating further. It just looks like some Japs are interested in developing the area - not the club.
One of the last paragraphs translates roughly as: "The investment for this site is a possibility of increasing further in the future. The site of the regional casino is not used, is also an undeveloped land. If there is investment of addition, the arena tract it is observed as central area of development." Make of that what you will :thinking about:
Been translating further. It just looks like some Japs are interested in developing the area - not the club.
One of the last paragraphs translates roughly as: "The investment for this site is a possibility of increasing further in the future. The site of the regional casino is not used, is also an undeveloped land. If there is investment of addition, the arena tract it is observed as central area of development." Make of that what you will :thinking about:
Done a bit more delving. Translated the "Development Plan". One or two bits I couldn't quite get my head round, but having said that, the whole pdf. file is from 2008 so we might be looking into this too much?
tresuko corporation is tesco
hitsugusuchiyarite is the Higgs Charity.
ERDF is European Regional Development Fund, AWM is Advantage West Midlands, NRF is national research foundation.. 3 sources of grants