Anyone else here with those providers lose their broadband connection between 1.15am and 2.00am this morning? Not only did it knock my website offline but one of the mods as far away as Birmingham lost his connection at exactly the same time so the disruption must have been pretty widespread.
I wouldn't mind the interruptions so much if they gave us advanced warnings since they are usually at a time when few people would be browsing in any case. Am also planning to install cable so I can switch service provider at short notice if the line is out for more than few minutes.
The main reason I posted though is that many AOL/Tiscali/Talk-Talk users on another board were uncertain whether it was their personal setup which had failed or the main server. I know for certain from the way my equipment is configured that it was the latter.
Given a choice I would have had nothing to do with them but they bought out my previous ISP so I was lumbered
All ISPs have their good and bad points. The Talk-Talk group at least has a strong customer privacy policy so I'm unlikely to get a letter from a firm of crooked lawyers falsely claiming I distributed a gay russian gang-bang video online and threatening to drag my name through the courts unless I pay them hundreds of pounds in compensation
I am guessing many people here have accounts with Sky Broadband or Virgin. Virgin until recently had a shocking record of divulging customer data without good reason and Sky (Easynet) still does.
I was on the verge of switching my account to BeThere when a fellow poster at
informed us that they had voluntarily handed over his account details to a firm of solicitors without his knowledge or consent. Worse than that he claims, was the attitude of Be There when he phoned them to complain. This was confirmed by other posters who met with Be There/O2's legal representative to discuss the matter.