I worked out it was because of the Freddy link, but looking down the page at first glance it just seemed like they had suddenly started to list League 2 promotion hopefuls assuming we'd already gone down!!
Well seeing as this is the random thread, I'll put it here: if you want to hear what Eakin is like when he has something to be happy about, he's having his moment in the BBC "limelight" by commentating on Warwickshire v Lancashire in the cricket on Radio 5 Sports Extra this week. I've heard 3 wickets fall since work, and each one Eakin has celebrated with an element of surprise in his tone, like he's not quite used to having the opportunity to give people some good news! He also tries to shoehorn Tranmere references in constantly, which he can't get away with quite as often on CWR!
Maybe if they like him, he'll get poached by Test Match Special and we'll have to find a cheap youth team commentator to replace him in L1?