Young as you like mate, we started taking G man reguarly at 18 months but he started wanting to more to every home game at about 5. This year 7 in Feb he wanted to go away to a few so we went to PNE, Derby, and Reading, all of which he loved, was def better waiting till he was older to go away.
My son is five and has had.a season ticket since he was.six months old. Me and my dad took him to a few games last seadon, but he hasnt really got a great deal of interest. Im hoping that will come as he gets older.
My son went to his first game at 5 , I dont think he would have sat that long to watch the game under that age .. Keeping him entertained at a city game would be a hard enough job on its own , so i would say do yourself the grey hairs and take him at the nice age of 5 lol