Brody and Clouting at the Ricoh on Sunday (1 Viewer)


New Member
Anyone go? If so was anything of interest said?


New Member
Yeah, i was there. Thought it was pretty good. Leonard Brody, Paul Clouting (CEO), Onye Igwe (i think that's his name- SISU's rep on the board) and John Clarke (vice chairman) were all there. There was about 20 people, all assembled round tables in Costa. Was like an informal Q&A. Onye and Leonard went round and introduced themselves to everyone individually, then they all gave a brief outline of their backgrounds. Leonard surprised me with how clued up he is about footy; and he's actually had a role at Derby County before and also has worked in player agency before.

In terms of what was covered, there was nothing major or Earth-shattering, but a hell of a lot got covered (it lasted 2 hours), here is some bits i can recall:

- We've had small investments to keep us ticking over, but nothing major. We are however in "advance talks" with investors (whatever that means). Leonard and Onye both spoke of wanting to diversify the shareholder base; so whilst SISU want to maintain overall control, they are looking to bring more people on board into minority positions.

- A lot of the discussion was on getting the fans more involved in decision making; this was probably the most promising conversation topic of the day. They all stated that the fans' desire to see Andy Thorn appointed as boss was a huge factor in their appointment. They said they wanted to hear our ideas and they are open to hearing from us at any time. The most interesting thing here was Leonard speaking of their desire to formally involve fans in decision making. He threw around some ideas (although he was clear they are just ideas right now), such as the possibility of having season ticket holders pay a touch more each season if they wanted to be part of a "season ticket holders' seat on the board"- where all those fans involved would get to vote on boardroom decisions, with that majority decision contributing to one boardroom vote. There are big hurdles with this to overcome though, such as having to have everyone "on the board" approved by the FA, but it was an interesting concept. There was talk of formally getting the fans involved in other (possibly more 'realistic'?) capacities too, such as voting on kits/merchandising, etc.

- There was more talk about the stadium, especially around desires to make it an entertainment hub. Brody said he'd like to see it as the "O2 of the Midlands". Seems like a pretty distant vision though, as when question about whether there was a plan/strategy in place to move forward to this, the answer Clouting gave was focused around "making the most of what we have control of at the moment" (i.e. the team, the academy). In terms of buying the stadium, Clouting said we are "in dialogue with the council", although it's my feeling that there's not a lot going on there as there didn't seem to be anything concrete. From what i can gather, this whole thing is a bit difficult for them, as investors only really want to invest if there's a good facility owned by the club, but they need investment to buy the facility! Sounds like a bit of a catch 22 situation.

- Also on the topic of the stadium, John Clarke explained and cleared up the mess around the infamous "we have a meeting with the council on Friday" quote from the press conference a few months back. Genuine misunderstanding by the sounds of things- Dulieu believed we had a meeting in place, but Clarke had not got round to arranging it.

- Not too much mention of players. The topic of Marlon came up, and we were told the same sort of thing as before. His contract is on the table, and he's been touched by the reception from the Coventry fans, but we can only offer him so much. They indicated we'll know more when they do. They also don't know yet if Conor Thomas is staying next year. There was talk of a salary cap in the team too.

- Leonard requested that people stop blasting SISU, as they are not involved in the running of the club, they merely own it. Clouting said in any other situation, the blame would fall on management, not owners, so if things ever go wrong, it's the board's fault, not SISU's. Worth remembering that Onye is the only SISU man on the board, and he said he doesn't believe it would be best for SISU to be involved in all the decision making, as you need a range of perspectives. Onye took a bit of flak early on in the meeting for being the 'SISU man' (he got quite rigorously questioned on SISU's plan when they came in- and he ended up admitting that it didn't work), but at the end Leonard really spoke very highly of him, and said nobody works harder for the club than he does.

- Topic of access to the stadium came up too. The train station seems like a council issue, and one fan there who works for the council said the stumbling block is that they need funding from the government. It seems the board don't really have any control over parking etc, as that's all down to people who run the stadium. It looks unlikely there will be any change in the parking situation, as some things had to be agreed to get initial planning for the stadium.

Think that's the main points! I'll add in anything i forgot if i remember it. All in all it was a really good insight, everyone seemed to answer with good honesty (Leonard doesn't seem to muck about with his words!), and the more open communication can only be a good thing. They said they'd be happy to do it again whenever Leonard is back over here (every 5-6 weeks).


New Member
Good stuff Jimthor. It's good that they are beginning to listen more and hopefully we can start moving club forward now, as it seems like we have decent guys on the board. Disappointed I couldn't make sunday, but will definitely go next time.

Walking Bird

New Member
Paul Clouting seemed convinced that it's only a matter of time before a number of clubs & it seemed to infer to me Championship Clubs will go to the wall. He also confirmed the 7000 season tickets sold so far story.
Brody made a pitch i think about getting a presence in the Universities & Surrounding areas Beduff etc.
Thats all i can think of to add to the above post at the mo.


Yeah, i was there. Thought it was pretty good. Leonard Brody, Paul Clouting (CEO), Onye Igwe (i think that's his name- SISU's rep on the board) and John Clarke (vice chairman) were all there. There was about 20 people, all assembled round tables in Costa. Was like an informal Q&A. Onye and Leonard went round and introduced themselves to everyone individually, then they all gave a brief outline of their backgrounds. Leonard surprised me with how clued up he is about footy; and he's actually had a role at Derby County before and also has worked in player agency before.

In terms of what was covered, there was nothing major or Earth-shattering, but a hell of a lot got covered (it lasted 2 hours), here is some bits i can recall:

- We've had small investments to keep us ticking over, but nothing major. We are however in "advance talks" with investors (whatever that means). Leonard and Onye both spoke of wanting to diversify the shareholder base; so whilst SISU want to maintain overall control, they are looking to bring more people on board into minority positions.

- A lot of the discussion was on getting the fans more involved in decision making; this was probably the most promising conversation topic of the day. They all stated that the fans' desire to see Andy Thorn appointed as boss was a huge factor in their appointment. They said they wanted to hear our ideas and they are open to hearing from us at any time. The most interesting thing here was Leonard speaking of their desire to formally involve fans in decision making. He threw around some ideas (although he was clear they are just ideas right now), such as the possibility of having season ticket holders pay a touch more each season if they wanted to be part of a "season ticket holders' seat on the board"- where all those fans involved would get to vote on boardroom decisions, with that majority decision contributing to one boardroom vote. There are big hurdles with this to overcome though, such as having to have everyone "on the board" approved by the FA, but it was an interesting concept. There was talk of formally getting the fans involved in other (possibly more 'realistic'?) capacities too, such as voting on kits/merchandising, etc.

- There was more talk about the stadium, especially around desires to make it an entertainment hub. Brody said he'd like to see it as the "O2 of the Midlands". Seems like a pretty distant vision though, as when question about whether there was a plan/strategy in place to move forward to this, the answer Clouting gave was focused around "making the most of what we have control of at the moment" (i.e. the team, the academy). In terms of buying the stadium, Clouting said we are "in dialogue with the council", although it's my feeling that there's not a lot going on there as there didn't seem to be anything concrete. From what i can gather, this whole thing is a bit difficult for them, as investors only really want to invest if there's a good facility owned by the club, but they need investment to buy the facility! Sounds like a bit of a catch 22 situation.

- Also on the topic of the stadium, John Clarke explained and cleared up the mess around the infamous "we have a meeting with the council on Friday" quote from the press conference a few months back. Genuine misunderstanding by the sounds of things- Dulieu believed we had a meeting in place, but Clarke had not got round to arranging it.

- Not too much mention of players. The topic of Marlon came up, and we were told the same sort of thing as before. His contract is on the table, and he's been touched by the reception from the Coventry fans, but we can only offer him so much. They indicated we'll know more when they do. They also don't know yet if Conor Thomas is staying next year. There was talk of a salary cap in the team too.

- Leonard requested that people stop blasting SISU, as they are not involved in the running of the club, they merely own it. Clouting said in any other situation, the blame would fall on management, not owners, so if things ever go wrong, it's the board's fault, not SISU's. Worth remembering that Onye is the only SISU man on the board, and he said he doesn't believe it would be best for SISU to be involved in all the decision making, as you need a range of perspectives. Onye took a bit of flak early on in the meeting for being the 'SISU man' (he got quite rigorously questioned on SISU's plan when they came in- and he ended up admitting that it didn't work), but at the end Leonard really spoke very highly of him, and said nobody works harder for the club than he does.

- Topic of access to the stadium came up too. The train station seems like a council issue, and one fan there who works for the council said the stumbling block is that they need funding from the government. It seems the board don't really have any control over parking etc, as that's all down to people who run the stadium. It looks unlikely there will be any change in the parking situation, as some things had to be agreed to get initial planning for the stadium.

Think that's the main points! I'll add in anything i forgot if i remember it. All in all it was a really good insight, everyone seemed to answer with good honesty (Leonard doesn't seem to muck about with his words!), and the more open communication can only be a good thing. They said they'd be happy to do it again whenever Leonard is back over here (every 5-6 weeks).

Nice one mate, thanks!!!!!:claping hands:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i was there. Thought it was pretty good. Leonard Brody, Paul Clouting (CEO), Onye Igwe (i think that's his name- SISU's rep on the board) and John Clarke (vice chairman) were all there. There was about 20 people, all assembled round tables in Costa. Was like an informal Q&A. Onye and Leonard went round and introduced themselves to everyone individually, then they all gave a brief outline of their backgrounds. Leonard surprised me with how clued up he is about footy; and he's actually had a role at Derby County before and also has worked in player agency before.

In terms of what was covered, there was nothing major or Earth-shattering, but a hell of a lot got covered (it lasted 2 hours), here is some bits i can recall:

- We've had small investments to keep us ticking over, but nothing major. We are however in "advance talks" with investors (whatever that means). Leonard and Onye both spoke of wanting to diversify the shareholder base; so whilst SISU want to maintain overall control, they are looking to bring more people on board into minority positions.

- A lot of the discussion was on getting the fans more involved in decision making; this was probably the most promising conversation topic of the day. They all stated that the fans' desire to see Andy Thorn appointed as boss was a huge factor in their appointment. They said they wanted to hear our ideas and they are open to hearing from us at any time. The most interesting thing here was Leonard speaking of their desire to formally involve fans in decision making. He threw around some ideas (although he was clear they are just ideas right now), such as the possibility of having season ticket holders pay a touch more each season if they wanted to be part of a "season ticket holders' seat on the board"- where all those fans involved would get to vote on boardroom decisions, with that majority decision contributing to one boardroom vote. There are big hurdles with this to overcome though, such as having to have everyone "on the board" approved by the FA, but it was an interesting concept. There was talk of formally getting the fans involved in other (possibly more 'realistic'?) capacities too, such as voting on kits/merchandising, etc.

- There was more talk about the stadium, especially around desires to make it an entertainment hub. Brody said he'd like to see it as the "O2 of the Midlands". Seems like a pretty distant vision though, as when question about whether there was a plan/strategy in place to move forward to this, the answer Clouting gave was focused around "making the most of what we have control of at the moment" (i.e. the team, the academy). In terms of buying the stadium, Clouting said we are "in dialogue with the council", although it's my feeling that there's not a lot going on there as there didn't seem to be anything concrete. From what i can gather, this whole thing is a bit difficult for them, as investors only really want to invest if there's a good facility owned by the club, but they need investment to buy the facility! Sounds like a bit of a catch 22 situation.

- Also on the topic of the stadium, John Clarke explained and cleared up the mess around the infamous "we have a meeting with the council on Friday" quote from the press conference a few months back. Genuine misunderstanding by the sounds of things- Dulieu believed we had a meeting in place, but Clarke had not got round to arranging it.

- Not too much mention of players. The topic of Marlon came up, and we were told the same sort of thing as before. His contract is on the table, and he's been touched by the reception from the Coventry fans, but we can only offer him so much. They indicated we'll know more when they do. They also don't know yet if Conor Thomas is staying next year. There was talk of a salary cap in the team too.

- Leonard requested that people stop blasting SISU, as they are not involved in the running of the club, they merely own it. Clouting said in any other situation, the blame would fall on management, not owners, so if things ever go wrong, it's the board's fault, not SISU's. Worth remembering that Onye is the only SISU man on the board, and he said he doesn't believe it would be best for SISU to be involved in all the decision making, as you need a range of perspectives. Onye took a bit of flak early on in the meeting for being the 'SISU man' (he got quite rigorously questioned on SISU's plan when they came in- and he ended up admitting that it didn't work), but at the end Leonard really spoke very highly of him, and said nobody works harder for the club than he does.

- Topic of access to the stadium came up too. The train station seems like a council issue, and one fan there who works for the council said the stumbling block is that they need funding from the government. It seems the board don't really have any control over parking etc, as that's all down to people who run the stadium. It looks unlikely there will be any change in the parking situation, as some things had to be agreed to get initial planning for the stadium.

Think that's the main points! I'll add in anything i forgot if i remember it. All in all it was a really good insight, everyone seemed to answer with good honesty (Leonard doesn't seem to muck about with his words!), and the more open communication can only be a good thing. They said they'd be happy to do it again whenever Leonard is back over here (every 5-6 weeks).

A great report ! You have to take alot of that on board and respect them for meeting the fans ! To me it seems that we are going into the brightest pre season we have had for some time!


Well-Known Member
Thank you for a very good report.

I really hope the die-hard anti SISU regime on here read it carefully and start wondering if their anger and frustration might - just might - be a little misdirected. Or in fact completely off the mark.

And to the runners of this board: You should consider getting rid of the stupid GET SISU OUT 'smilie'. It really does not add anything positive or constructive to any post.

Disclaimer: I am not in any way employed or in business with SISU and I am not related or even remotely friendly with anyone within SISU or the club management. But I do know how businesses in general works and how responsibility is distributed.


CCFC Finance Director
Thanks for that Jimthor a good reprt.

I think the one thing that has changed recently is the effort the current board are putting in to communicate with the fans, I would guess a lot of which is driven by Mr Brody. Events like this meeting, the offers of stadium tours for renewing season tickets, even the twitters (not a fan of that to be honest but it works for some) have given at least the impression that the club are reaching out to the fans. Its been a very long time since that has happened. So credit where credit is due and well done to them for that.

Still need the actions to follow the words up but only time will tell with that. Nothing is going to change quickly so for me its a wait and see attitude. SISU and their appinted CCFC board are not going to be disappearing any time soon, and whether we like or not they are here and the ones in charge. Personally i neither like nor hate SISU/Board but I do question the how, why and when of their actions, and will continue to do so. I suppose I dont trust them too much but then again I have to ask how much did I trust other owners and boards of directors in the past......... those in charge over the years really havent had a good record in that respect

The important thing is to get and keep the feel good factor back about the team, let the enthusiasm build over the summer and hope that for once we do not get a repeat of the last 3 seasons next year. Overall, in respect of the team, I am left with a feeling of cautious optimism for next season..... at least I think we can rely on AT's team to play attractive football..... i want to be entertained for my hard earnt money!

Godiva - you shouldnt need a disclaimer to justify or explain your right to an opinion chap. Might not be the same as others or mine at times but that doesnt make you a SISU stooge or the like. You are entitled to your opinion...... but then others are entitled to their smillie opinion too i guess.


New Member
I remember Jimmy Hill's pop and crisps sessions for kids, and The Sky Blue Express, Sky Blue Radio, all new ideas to reach out to fans.


Well-Known Member
I remember Jimmy Hill's pop and crisps sessions for kids, and The Sky Blue Express, Sky Blue Radio, all new ideas to reach out to fans.

Couldn't do that these days - it would draw them in like a great big paedophile magnet!


New Member
Thanks for taking the time to write up and post this article; it makes interesting reading.


New Member
Thanks for the article. I had been wondering how it all went and would have loved to fly over from Dublin just for that as it is something that the club have never done before and an opportunity to learn even a little something about what is going on behind the scenes. We have been in the dark for far too long and it looks like Brody wants us to know all he can tell us (within reason etc). We also must realise that they are not obliged to make everything public in the interest of the club. I personally like hearing we have signed a player, not a manager turning around telling us they are after x,y and z and then we talk endlessly about it and possibly they do not sign and we are left feeling disheartened once again.

Positive season ahead, and I definitely look forward to getting to one of the future meetings. PUSB

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