Bryan Richardson Speaks! (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
In Telegraph. Says he might try and help SISU! Also says when he left our overdraft was £7.4m and other debts were 'soft' loans from Robinson and Higgs. Paul Fletcher backs him up on some things too. Is this the start of it all coming out in the wash?


Well-Known Member
Liar, liar, liar, liar, liar.


Well-Known Member
Didn't fletcher arrive four years AFTER Richardson left?

In Telegraph. Says he might try and help SISU! Also says when he left our overdraft was £7.4m and other debts were 'soft' loans from Robinson and Higgs. Paul Fletcher backs him up on some things too. Is this the start of it all coming out in the wash?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure he could advise them on quite a few things...

Walking Bird

New Member
He may have a few bob to invest. He did quite well out of a land deal a few years back apparently. :whistle:


New Member
I think, as is stated on other threads, that this muppet is the principal reason that we are in the financial position that we are in.
If he wishes to have any involvement, which , again in my opinion, would be a disaster, then let the full facts be revealed and dispense with the "confidentiality clause" that everyone is hiding behind!


New Member
Richardson gave us the best football players we had seen since the 60s to 70s by far.

He had the vision of the ricoh and put a good deal in place. . He got us50 percent of the ricoh profits.

I believe everything he says as it all fits. ..

The council are killing our club and some fans need to wake up.

Fletchers no fool. Neither is robinson. .. we could do with both of them back ... did you see his comment. ..'and we have a board meeting tomorrow' I wonder if they are considering either taking over or joining forces with sisu. I hope so robinson knows what it takes to beat the council.

One things for sure. .. its war now


Well-Known Member
GEOFFREY ROBINSON has revealed why ousted Coventry City chairman Bryan Richardson had to go.

The Sky Blues' president said the boardroom coup - which took Mr Richardson by "complete surprise" - was necessary to save the club from financial ruin.

The city MP denied he was the driving force behind the decision and said the team's dismal form and the protests by fans had left fellow directors with no choice.

"We've got to get confidence back in the fans," he said.

New chairman Mike McGinnity, pledging a new era for fans, claimed that Mr Richardson had kept board members in the dark over several key issues.

He said the ousted chairman had received warnings. He said: "This has not happened overnight - this goes back a couple of years."

Mr McGinnity added: "We felt that if we continued in the way we were going, we would end up in very serious financial trouble."

Last night the drummed-out chairman hit back, saying he had been led to believe yesterday's board meeting was about the new Sky Blues stadium.

"I want to make it absolutely clear I did not resign and no-one should suggest for one minute anything otherwise. I had absolutely no idea when I went into the boardroom yesterday that there would be a boardroom coup."

Graham Hover has now become the club's chief execut


Well-Known Member
SKY Blues fans have reacted angrily to Coventry City's latest accounts which show the club pounds 60 million in debt.

They are unhappy that the club's chairman received a bonus while the club was dropping from the Premiership into Nationwide League Division One.

Some supporters are now planning to re-launch their campaign to try to oust chairman Bryan Richardson. The Save Our City campaign will resume with new vigour at Sunday's televised game against Watford.

Protesters cooled off their action after manager Gordon Strachan left the club, which saw a turn-around in fortunes under replacement Roland Nilsson.

But their anger has been re-fuelled after the accounts were published.

Joe Rukin, Save Our City campaign co-ordinator, said fans plan to wear costumes and hold placards at the game calling for Richardson's head.

He said: "The longer Richardson stays at the club the worse it will be for the future of the club."

The Sky Blues Supporters' Club said the accounts showed an "inevitable" debt of pounds 59,613,661 but queried a payment awarded to Mr Richardson.

Mr Richardson's remuneration package rose to pounds 588,045 from pounds 217,432 the previous year.

The amount included a bonus for the chairman's work in selling the shopping development on the Foleshill gas works site where the club hopes to build a new stadium.

But supporters were unhappy with the bonus - which had been awarded for work done in an earlier year - and said it was "crazy" they still had no stadium of their own.

John Haddon, secretary of the Sky Blues Supporters' Club, said: "I think it's something that was inevitable - it was going to happen after their performance last year.

"It's absolutely ridiculous to have a bonus at a time when the club has been relegated and they're losing money as well.

"They've spent money on players when it wasn't their money but loans which they're going to have to pay back.

"We're down-to-earth people and are amazed at the amounts of money involved, especially in Mr Richardson's case, but apparently he has a bonus there from a retail development where none has occurred.

"I don't think he deserved a bonus in the year we were losing money and the team was relegated. We're unhappy about the overall situation.

"We must be the only club in the league that doesn't have it's own ground.

"The supporters here can't see any way out of this debt without some knight in shining armour coming along and buying Richardson out.

"But who has got that sort of money?"

The club's annual general meeting takes place on Friday, December 21.

what’s he lied on then ?

reading the article the figures seem to add up


New Member
I think, as is stated on other threads, that this muppet is the principal reason that we are in the financial position that we are in.
If he wishes to have any involvement, which , again in my opinion, would be a disaster, then let the full facts be revealed and dispense with the "confidentiality clause" that everyone is hiding behind!

Look at his figures. Ffs man

These guys don't talk figures ever. .. take it as truthful unless you hear richardson being sued for libel. .. not going to happen. He sold players to pay for our debts. . We knew that then we know it now.

Richardson ... sisu are not the bad guys here. .. the council are. Acl are. They have held sisu back and drained them of income.

Simply owning a clubmeans nothing without a ground
SKY Blues fans have reacted angrily to Coventry City's latest accounts which show the club pounds 60 million in debt.

They are unhappy that the club's chairman received a bonus while the club was dropping from the Premiership into Nationwide League Division One.

Some supporters are now planning to re-launch their campaign to try to oust chairman Bryan Richardson. The Save Our City campaign will resume with new vigour at Sunday's televised game against Watford.

Protesters cooled off their action after manager Gordon Strachan left the club, which saw a turn-around in fortunes under replacement Roland Nilsson.

But their anger has been re-fuelled after the accounts were published.

Joe Rukin, Save Our City campaign co-ordinator, said fans plan to wear costumes and hold placards at the game calling for Richardson's head.

He said: "The longer Richardson stays at the club the worse it will be for the future of the club."

The Sky Blues Supporters' Club said the accounts showed an "inevitable" debt of pounds 59,613,661 but queried a payment awarded to Mr Richardson.

Mr Richardson's remuneration package rose to pounds 588,045 from pounds 217,432 the previous year.

The amount included a bonus for the chairman's work in selling the shopping development on the Foleshill gas works site where the club hopes to build a new stadium.

But supporters were unhappy with the bonus - which had been awarded for work done in an earlier year - and said it was "crazy" they still had no stadium of their own.

John Haddon, secretary of the Sky Blues Supporters' Club, said: "I think it's something that was inevitable - it was going to happen after their performance last year.

"It's absolutely ridiculous to have a bonus at a time when the club has been relegated and they're losing money as well.

"They've spent money on players when it wasn't their money but loans which they're going to have to pay back.

"We're down-to-earth people and are amazed at the amounts of money involved, especially in Mr Richardson's case, but apparently he has a bonus there from a retail development where none has occurred.

"I don't think he deserved a bonus in the year we were losing money and the team was relegated. We're unhappy about the overall situation.

"We must be the only club in the league that doesn't have it's own ground.

"The supporters here can't see any way out of this debt without some knight in shining armour coming along and buying Richardson out.

"But who has got that sort of money?"

The club's annual general meeting takes place on Friday, December 21.

instead of copy and pasting a article . what proof have you got ?

like i said you call him a liar but apart from a article what what else ?


Well-Known Member
OK M&D. Richardson said when he left the debt was £7M. The accounts at the time showed £60. When Sky Blues shareholders met for the club's annual general meeting in December 2001, they blasted chairman Bryan Richardson for getting the club into that much debt. Robinson said he had to go because the Board were worried about the long term financial future of the club. The accounts don't lie. Richardson does.

Keep defending him if you must, but he's the main reason we are where we are. He should never be allowed back in the City.


Well-Known Member
As I recall when he left there were a number of clauses that his successors were not permitted to reveal and were legally binding if they chose to break those confidences. It strikes me as odd that he would go to such lengths if there was nothing dodgy to hide among his dealings.

As it was we know that he had a % of transfer activities (in and out) hence why he was signing players that even his manager didn't know about. Also its easy to talk about the book position when he left, but lets not forget that salaries, running costs, tv revenue and all other associated income and expenditure were significantly less during his tenure, so to amount such debt is catastrophic and is still the reason we have never caught up.

More importantly of course than all of this is the fact that he sanctioned the sale of the ground and rented back from the council which is the true root cause of our problems. That income was also taken account of in the clubs debt when he left so the true figure would have been significantly more.

This man is WORSE THAN SISU and should never be near our football club again. All of the people who refuse to watch the City whilst SISU remain in charge, if BR takes control I will give up on them completely.

To me he is worse than Hitler.
OK M&D. Richardson said when he left the debt was £7M. The accounts at the time showed £60. When Sky Blues shareholders met for the club's annual general meeting in December 2001, they blasted chairman Bryan Richardson for getting the club into that much debt. Robinson said he had to go because the Board were worried about the long term financial future of the club. The accounts don't lie. Richardson does.

Keep defending him if you must, but he's the main reason we are where we are. He should never be allowed back in the City.

who is sticking up for him ?

i just merley asked why you said he was a lair

im sure the telegraph would mention the 59 mill debt if they had proof

if im honest i hate the bloke but all these accusations need backing up because the telegraph have pubished the oppoiste


New Member
I cannot really understand why there is any support for Richardson, until someone proves otherwise I will believe that he caused/started our downfall with the cavalier attitude that was adopted to the finances.
Interestingly for those of you who can remember the forum that was part of the official site, one of the reasons that it closed seemed to be the vitriol that was directed at Richardson, and as stated above if he did nothing wrong and his figures stack up why was there a confidentiality clause?


Well-Known Member
COVENTRY North-east MP Bob Ainsworth yesterday welcomed the prospect of a public court battle between ousted Sky Blues chairman Bryan Richardson and Coventry City Football Club.

He said fans would be fascinated to find out exactly how the club has ended up with debts which reached nearly pounds 60 million, without a ground it owned and being relegated to the First Division.

Mr Richardson is suing the club for pounds 350,000 after he was summarily dismissed in a boardroom coup in January - the equivalent of a year's salary, bonus and perks. The club is planning to counter-sue.

Mr Ainsworth said: "I don't think people have a huge amount of sympathy for Mr Richardson, but I think they'll be fascinated to know the inside story of what's happened at their club.

"If he'd care to tell us, either in court or elsewhere, I'm sure he'll have the ears of Coventry. I don't think any more damage can be done to the football club than that which has already been done."

Mr Ainsworth said a court case would probably be the only way the fans would find out what has happened at the club.

He said: "Only a few years ago the club owned its own ground and the land on which it was to build a stadium and Bryan Richardson was saying there were exciting prospects for the Foleshill gasworks site.

"Over a relatively short period they've come to a position where they don't own the ground, they don't own the contaminated land on which they hope somebody is going to be able to build a stadium and they don't own all their footballers.

"All they own is a pile of debt.

"Whether or not they've got there because of heroic attempts to keep them in the Premier League and the necessities of paying wages to top flight players or whether or not there are other reasons for the demise, it would be very nice to understand in detail."

The council now owns the Foleshill site and is hoping to develop an arena with Advantage West Midlands and the club.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I didn't think the thread was even serious until someone posted the link. I still can't forget 'Relegation will be the best thing to ever happen to this club' being the headline in the Telegraph in the summer of 2001. The man should be barred from any involvement in football and any clubs he approaches must surely be made aware of his notorious dealings with CCFC. That the article portrays him as the all innocent ex-chairman-no wait, as a visionary, has got to be one of the most insulting pieces on City the paper has done in a long time.
Alan Poole and Andy Turner should be ashamed of themselves.


Well-Known Member
As I recall when he left there were a number of clauses that his successors were not permitted to reveal and were legally binding if they chose to break those confidences. It strikes me as odd that he would go to such lengths if there was nothing dodgy to hide among his dealings.

As it was we know that he had a % of transfer activities (in and out) hence why he was signing players that even his manager didn't know about. Also its easy to talk about the book position when he left, but lets not forget that salaries, running costs, tv revenue and all other associated income and expenditure were significantly less during his tenure, so to amount such debt is catastrophic and is still the reason we have never caught up.

More importantly of course than all of this is the fact that he sanctioned the sale of the ground and rented back from the council which is the true root cause of our problems. That income was also taken account of in the clubs debt when he left so the true figure would have been significantly more.

This man is WORSE THAN SISU and should never be near our football club again. All of the people who refuse to watch the City whilst SISU remain in charge, if BR takes control I will give up on them completely.

To me he is worse than Hitler.

Agree with you but wouldn't go quite as far as bad as Hitler


Well-Known Member
Richardson gave us the best football players we had seen since the 60s to 70s by far.

He had the vision of the ricoh and put a good deal in place. . He got us50 percent of the ricoh profits.

I believe everything he says as it all fits. ..

The council are killing our club and some fans need to wake up.

Fletchers no fool. Neither is robinson. .. we could do with both of them back ... did you see his comment. ..'and we have a board meeting tomorrow' I wonder if they are considering either taking over or joining forces with sisu. I hope so robinson knows what it takes to beat the council.

One things for sure. .. its war now

are you for real or just WUM????


CCFC Finance Director
Just going to put some facts up

BR joined november 1991 and left january 2002

CCFC accounts 31/05/92 excess of assets over liabilities £1.5m Gross liabilities £3.3m

CCFC group accounts 31/05/02 excess of liabilities over assets £14.3m Gross liabilities £37.5m

Source Companies House

Make your own minds up but that doesn't say to me that under BR we became a stronger business.

On another matter a charge has been registered at Companies House dated March 2012 in favour of ARVO Master Fund Limited. It covers all CCFC and CCFC Holdings assets. Please explain TF, SISU etc ........... am far more worried by this than BR spouting off in the press
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Well-Known Member
This applies to Richardson, Robinson, Mcginnity, Ranson and the rest of the showers of shit that have been in charge for the last 15 years or so.



Well-Known Member
On another matter a charge has been registered at Companies House dated March 2012 in favour of AVRO Master Fund Limited. It covers all CCFC and CCFC Holdings assets. Please explain TF, SISU etc ........... am far more worried by this than BR spouting off in the press

Sorry to be a bit thick (been a very long week) but what does this mean in laymans terms?

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Look at his figures. Ffs man

These guys don't talk figures ever. .. take it as truthful unless you hear richardson being sued for libel. .. not going to happen. He sold players to pay for our debts. . We knew that then we know it now.

Richardson ... sisu are not the bad guys here. .. the council are. Acl are. They have held sisu back and drained them of income.

Simply owning a clubmeans nothing without a ground

I agree that the club should own the Ricoh but there is no point Sisu owning it because all they would do is take out a big fat mortgage, defeating the object !!!!!!!!
To lay the blame at the councils door and ACL for not handing over the Ricoh for nothing is wrong. At no point have Sisu ever had the funds to purchase the Ricoh in any case.
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CCFC Finance Director
Sorry to be a bit thick (been a very long week) but what does this mean in laymans terms?

You arent being thick, not entirely sure what is going on myself. But it seems that AVRO who apparently have connection to SISU now have a mortgage over all assets of CCFC and CCFC Holdings. My understanding is that ARVO have been involved in previous projects with SISU including administrations and liquidations (but i could be wrong). Clearly SISU have some plan
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