Call from the club (1 Viewer)

Bennets Afro

Well-Known Member
Just had a call off the club to see if I'm renewing my season ticket. Got chatting to the guy and he told me:

- 3500 tickets sold so far (1000 up on last year)
- new signings have completed Medicals at ryton
- accounts got submitted a couple of weeks ago and are just waiting for the embargo to be lifted

Could be complete bs tho, just to get me to renew which I did btw


New Member
mind if i ask who at the club this was?

they are very bold statements to be making without factual evidence to back them up!!!


New Member
Glad to see you've renewed!! Surely they can't make those statements unles they're actually true. Surely not. Can they?


New Member
When I went in to move my seat last week, it was the first day after they no longer hold seats from the following season. They called the guy whos seat I was taking to make sure he didn't want it.

He didn't answer, I win!!!! Lol


New Member
Rich - nice one, keep us posted. if not true, surely they can't be saying things like that just to increase ticket sales!!!


New Member
The signings are a given. We're always promised signings. It's the stuff about the accounts that doesn't ring true. That's massive news!!


Well-Known Member
I don't believe one notch of the original post, The clubs marketing are being primed to say what people want to hear. I was given all the same lies this time last year. SISU are just trying to recoup ST money that they have borrowed and spent against already.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we might as well just call off the club:-it isn't really working, is it?


New Member
Just had a call off the club to see if I'm renewing my season ticket. Got chatting to the guy and he told me:

- 3500 tickets sold so far (1000 up on last year)
- new signings have completed Medicals at ryton
- accounts got submitted a couple of weeks ago and are just waiting for the embargo to be lifted

Could be complete bs tho, just to get me to renew which I did btw

last one definitely isn't true. I spoke to someone who works at the club on Monday and they said the accounts aren't signed off/submitted yet because of the funding issue.

First one defo is true. No idea on the 2nd.

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
Sounds like Corporate bollocks to me, and desperate Corporate bollocks at that!

So the guy who hawks season ticket sales knows this and no-one else at the club does, I think not. Take it as read that this is tosh of the first order and you make up your mind when/if you buy a season ticket. My guess is, turn up well in advance with a set of boots and you could end up getting a game so don't worry about a specific seat.


Super Moderator
My guess is they will be on commission. That will be something the club would not authorise him to say. My guess is that he knows it is what people want to hear so he is using it to get more sales and more commission for himself.

kepit 2 yusen

New Member
i wouldnt put it past Sisu to try any underhand tactic that the can find to fill their pockets, such is their credibility and reputation.
Just had a call off the club to see if I'm renewing my season ticket. Got chatting to the guy and he told me:

- 3500 tickets sold so far (1000 up on last year)
- new signings have completed Medicals at ryton
- accounts got submitted a couple of weeks ago and are just waiting for the embargo to be lifted

Could be complete bs tho, just to get me to renew which I did btw

So much for transparency then, (if true) - why not disclose this info, (if true) last week, nothing would have been lost, (if true) by doing this.



Well-Known Member
can the FA be asked via email if we still have an embargo against us ? or is it something they will only talk about with the club ??


Well-Known Member
ANY published Data re; Season ticket sales 2011/12?
If you go to buy a ticket online it shows you what seats are not sold so if you really wanted to you could work it out from there. I have nothing against people that are buying a season ticket but I really can't understand how we're selling more than last year!


Well-Known Member
So whilst they are getting pelters for not been open and honest about arvo. Also that the club are again on the verge of admin.

Behind the scenes they have signed new players who are just having medicals. We have budget. Books are submitted. Just waiting for embargo to be lifted.

However sisu been sisu we don't blow our own trumpet about making new signings till the deal is done. They quite professional about stuff like that.

I think it is all true also that keogh and crainie have extended their contracts. But they are keeping that one quite aswell.

Some needs to have a quite word with Jamie. Or a couple of words fraud by false repensentation

No wonder sales are up
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Well-Known Member
Complete bull shit imo, not the OP but who ever told him that info. Signings have already passed medicals and accounts submitted, utter tosh I reckon. Surely they can't be allowed to say these kind of things.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Jamie sold me my ST with a written promise of a refund if I wasn't happy by the first game.

Nice enough guy but would say anything for a sale.
What doesn't ring true is that unless the whole of the Football League are on holiday, the embargo would have been lifted the day after the accounts were received if not the same day. Then Fisher would have been straight out with an announcement as it would be positive news.


New Member
Complete bull shit imo, not the OP but who ever told him that info. Signings have already passed medicals and accounts submitted, utter tosh I reckon. Surely they can't be allowed to say these kind of things.

You are dead right it is ilegal to sell products under false pretence. This is a job for the CET phone up and see what they are saying.

The club get sadder and sadder they are now sounding like the dodgy utilities doorstep sellers promising that you will get a great deal and you end up paying more for the same service:slap:


New Member
This is my first post today as just signed up and wanted to post that the accounts haven't been filed I have checked this on the companies house web site and if they were submitted 2 weeks ago there web site is updated the next day. Still overdue at today's date.


Just had a call off the club to see if I'm renewing my season ticket. Got chatting to the guy and he told me:

- 3500 tickets sold so far (1000 up on last year)
- new signings have completed Medicals at ryton
- accounts got submitted a couple of weeks ago and are just waiting for the embargo to be lifted

Could be complete bs tho, just to get me to renew which I did btw

Hope you didn't renew just based on that phonecall.

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