Ah. That's whats been happening in the last few days..it all makes (non)sense now(one for the Chris Morris fans there)!
I've never read so many silly rumours on here before. It's like all those stupid stories posted on facebook by chavs and people who never actually go to the matches..Is this what GMK is like all the time? I've never used it. I'm now glad of that fact..
Nah, not really..it's still a fact that I haven't used GMK; my question was, is it full of silly rumours all the time? Because that's what is being implied by others.
It could be a very detailed and prolonged medical. External, internal, DNA test, paternity test, blood test, driving test, testesterone test, spelling test, test of willpower, autopsy, post mortem, hearing test, eye test, fingerprint analysis and colouring in competition.
Should be all done and dusted by 11 o'clock today. Then all these people who believe this rumour will be proved right.