Wasn't mutton the one who didn't want the council to be involved in the biulding of the Ricoh when we sold HR?
I've heard she is tall, fat, bald and looks like a bloke. She goes to all our games as well apparently. Knows zilch about football though.
Why should John Mutton have to impress you ?I have seen Mutton at a couple of events and heard him a lot on CWR. I even sit near him at the Ricoh. Personally I am not impressed (being polite for once).
Why should John Mutton have to impress you ?
I am really not sure how Mr Mutton thinks this hard line public posturing is helping the situation at the Ricoh and with the club he apparently loves. Whilst the parties concerned should be firm in their stance it does no good at all to entrench views publically. It is important that all parties continue to talk and look for a solution, the alternative is that SISU pull the plug. I think some of his outbursts are very unhelpful and best kept private.
This situation is not going to be solved on the radio or in press interviews
yeah lets let SISU have a rent reduction because they are struggling :facepalm::facepalm: that would be fair on all the other businesses in coventry that are struggling in the economic climate FFS get real :facepalm:they knew what the deal was when they brought the club why should it change now ?? no different to when you buy a house with the mortgage on it you know what it costs a month and you know it can go up or down or if you agree a term for five years you know what it is for five years!! SISU knew what they took on so tough shit they have screwed things up and it is totally down to them so why should they be given help when everybody else has to deal with their day to day costs and not make a massive profit?
Concessions from CCC must be seen as in the interests of Coventry taxpayers and it's well known that the council is short of money itself. They're not loaded!
yeah lets let SISU have a rent reduction because they are struggling :facepalm::facepalm: that would be fair on all the other businesses in coventry that are struggling in the economic climate FFS get real :facepalm:they knew what the deal was when they brought the club why should it change now ?? no different to when you buy a house with the mortgage on it you know what it costs a month and you know it can go up or down or if you agree a term for five years you know what it is for five years!! SISU knew what they took on so tough shit they have screwed things up and it is totally down to them so why should they be given help when everybody else has to deal with their day to day costs and not make a massive profit?
Actually it is different and I suspect if Hoffman said it was preventing investors from buying the club Mutton would be singing a different tune.
i bet he would to but the same thing would apply if hoffman brought the club and didnt own the stadium if you knew the rent was 100 grand a month then thats what it is why should it be changed because its a business that owns a football club ??
Yeah, I know what you mean. However, I don't see John Mutton slagging off The Codfather Fish and Chip Shop or Bob's Bakers in the press because they're struggling.
I'm amazed that so many fans have a "yeah, let's bankrupt the club with the rent" attitude because SISU say that the club is struggling to pay a wholly unsustainable figure.
Maybe, you'll be happy then if we go into admin or liquidation because of it. High fives all round, eh?
yeah thats right i would love to see the club go bust or dissapear foreverbut the point is they new the score when they took over and now only complain because there whole plan (or lack of one ) has gone tits up. i think the rent is to much but it has been like that for how long ??? and now they choose to complain after getting us relegated !! why ??
thing is torch if they had invested a little this could of been advoided it is totally down to there miss mangemant that we were relegated and have lost 2millon of tv money alone let alone fans and sponsorship money and they are now trying to pin it on the council saying the rent is to high(which i think it is) but they said nothing when they took the club on and before all the bad feeling started, why didnt they try to negotiate then ?
Oh, I agree. SISU are obviously not innocent in any of this. For me, their biggest crime was believing that a club who did not own their own stadium with a small hardcore of fans would make them money. They have found out the hard way.
But, boring as it seems, if we don't pay less in rent then we will ultimately have to put up with a poorer squad and watch while every good player we get is sold to cover the wages. And rent.
Classic Catch 22.
Joy must be lapping this up! Successfully deferred the problem from being a failure to generate investment/ relegation, to being the councils fault for.......charging rent. Genius!
the amount paid to HMRC each year in PAYE and NI has been c £5,000,000. Rent is £1,200,000. Are wages not a bigger problem?
The council finds itself stuck between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, agreeing a substantial rent reduction will provide the club with vital breathing space and relieve some of the burden on its finances. However, in doing so it deprives itself of revenue it badly needs to provide services for the people of Coventry and to deliver value for the taxpayer-to compensate, tax rates may go up or services may be stretched more thinly.
On the other hand, the council can play hard-ball and refuse to budge from its position. This maintains the financial burden on the club which, in a yet lower division with less revenue, is much more severe and presents a real threat to its future. If it breaks the club and SISU withdraw, the council is then seen as responsible for the demise of the football club, loses its rent income, and costs a good number of people their jobs at the club. Furthermore, the city loses the economic benefits of having a decent sized club which creates jobs and brings in added revenue on matchdays in the city centre.
In both scenarios, the taxpayer, and potentially the people of Coventry, lose. In the latter scenario, everybody loses-I fully sympathise with the council having to choose between the two, and it is not an easy decision to make; though on balance, I feel the former option has much greater and obvious long term benefits for all parties. It requires the council to make some short term concessions for long term benefits-but the club equally cannot duck its responsibilities.
the amount paid to HMRC each year in PAYE and NI has been c £5,000,000. Rent is £1,200,000. Are wages not a bigger problem?
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