Cov Mad (1 Viewer)


Jack Griffin

Even more so as they get it right in the first paragraph of the article, they probably cut & pasted that from somewhere!


Well-Known Member
We all make spelling mistakes, but when the word you are spelling wrong is 'embarrassing' well that's ....... just embarrassing.
Embarssing stuff


Super Moderator
I used to have a boss that constantly sent stuff out with spelling mistakes despite the fact every other word had a squiggly red line under it. Nothing more annoying.


Well-Known Member
Warwick based? I thought it was st georges.

Why is kev a better fan than any if us? Is it because he doesn't have to work for a living so has lots of time to give subsidised by taxpayers like you and I who probably don't always attend every away game partly because of budgets ... or us there another valid reason?


Well-Known Member
Only twats care about spelling mistakes

Spelling is important, really hate the predominant "loose, or looser" instead of "lose or loser" which is often seen on internet forums.

Obviously some isn't bad spelling as much as bad typing, which is something with my two fingered typing I can be prone to myself, and more than likely the cause of the embarssing mistake.

Still, a career at The Grauniad always beckons for those for who it isn't important.


Well-Known Member
I hardly ever pick up on spelling mistakes on here. Everyone makes individual errors.

But when you are posting as a 'news service' on the World Wide Web for multiple thousands of people to see, then surely you need a degree of professionalism in what you do don't you?

No problem with individual mistakes, but Cov Mad do make a habit of this sort of thing. And if they keep making mistakes then surely that makes it all the harder to believe anything they say. One single word can change the very meaning of something.

Was watching 'The Mimic' last night on Channel 4 and had the subtitles on.

The spoken line 'It's your dad' was interpreted by the person doing the subtitles as 'Is she dead?'

Anyone who only watched with the subtitles and no sound must have been very confused and spent the 30 mins of the programme trying to work out who had died.

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