I honestly do not think it makes that much diiference if attendance is 1000 or 5000 tbh!
It makes more difference to team if we win and wipe out negative points on Sunday so I hope we win first and foremost!
It is non league weekend where people are encouraged to support a local team that they wouldn't normally, maybe TF is expecting the good folk of northampton to turn out in force.
I can't even be arsed to protest now. Hope they win, I'll probably be doing some DIY. Just losing interest in footy altogether.
Jeez what a tedious thread......can we bar these tedious attendance posts or stick them in their own seperate part....who the f**k cares!!
If we have 1500 or less sku blue 1987 has one wank
If we have less then 1450 he has two?
We are kidding ourselves if we think non-attendance makes that much difference if people do not want to go and I am not going tomorrow than fair enough but this is a tedious thread. I would prefer to talk team, score, chance to get back into positive points but hey maybe I'm in a minority.....let's all discuss the attendance in a thread instead!! :facepalm:
I just want to watch my fucking team in my fucking City
I've got 2 lads that think it's ok to go into Sixfields sisu don't realise or care about the real fans, the football league have no Bollocks
I will be on the hill tmw