Dangerous Situations ? (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
With this tragic news of the pensioner "killing" an intruder, it got me thinking about dangerous situations I've been in. When you look back at certain incidents in your life you realise how different things could have worked out. As I've mentioned before I used to get in trouble and ended up prison, not proud of that, but I deserved my punishment and got on with it. I had a fight with a cell mate who was a tough Irishman, and he got the better of me by putting his fingers in my eyes. I actually couldn't see properly for days, and my sight was affected badly.
Luckily it improved over time, but that freaked me out as thought I may have been blinded. I often think back to that crazy time in my life, and am thankful I came through it. Any incidents that make you think how mad was that ?


Well-Known Member
Following England away in Rome the night they qualified for France 98.
The whole city was terrifying, Italian ultras mounting pavements on scooters slashing people with stanley knives. People being beaten and stabbed all over the place. Italian police smashing anything vaguely English, no matter how innocent they were.
Saw 2 slashings happen and 4 or 5 absolutely brutal police beatings. One of the beatings was a guy who was queuing in front of me at the turnstile. He'd done absolutely nothing wrong in the hour we had been stood behind him. The police just charged the queue and smashed him up badly. We ended up carrying him to the ambulance, whilst trying to avoid a kicking ourselves from both Ultras and police..


Well-Known Member
Had quite a few scrapes where you look back & think "fuck, i'm lucky to be alive" but most of those have happened in the moment so you don't realize how dangerous it was until the situation is over.....

I do remember a couple where I was very aware of the danger I was in though....

I worked as a security guard for short while in london in the early 90s......once got posted to do a night shift at a refuge for women fleeing domestic violence in highbury quadrant.....about 3 in the morning I heard a window smash & a load of screaming from the floor above.....rushed up there to be confronted by a 16 year old lad wielding a knife, high as a kite looking to stab his mum.....I managed to wrestle him to the floor & get the knife off him.....he then got a proper kicking from 4 or 5 women while I was trying to call the police.....

I also hitched a lift in the pissing rain in what turned out to be a stolen audi.....the 2 guys in the car were both drinking methadone out of the bottle & were all over the shop.....we had several near misses including bouncing off both kerbs at about 75mph.....I really thought we were gonna die......we stopped at a happy eater for some grub and a piss & I made my excuses to stay behind......took 3 more hours before I got another lift.
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Well-Known Member
When you look back it's amazing we're still here.From a youngster falling out of trees bird nesting, putting a finger in a light socket as a kid for a dare, standing up to the school bully,(got battered) falling in a busy road drunk, taking strange substances at parties, and so on and so on. How many lives have cats got ? Whatever it is us humans can surpass that if we're lucky !


Well-Known Member
Bizarre one. Was once coming back from a gig with a band I was worked with. We were behind a car coming up to a junction to turn left onto Tottenham High Road. Car in front indicates left and stops at the junction so we stop behind.

Turns out he wasn't turning left, he was stopping right on the corner of the junction. Rather than just waving us past he leapt out his car and started yelling while waving a gun about. Needless to say we ignored the red light and got out of the pretty sharpish!

These days I'd get out of anywhere at the first sign of any trouble. Gone are the days of a dust up and then everything is settled. You have no idea when someone might pull a knife on you. Not worth the risk.


Well-Known Member
Another fun one. Had done a tour of Japan and Australia and was at the end of a long trip home (2 day drive to Sydney, flight to Japan and overnight stopover, then flight to London).

Ended up sat next to a woman who was terrified of flying which was interesting! As we came in to land at Heathrow there was a loud bang followed by about 30 seconds, it seemed a lot longer, of the plan tilting all over the place like it was out of control. Looked out the window and there was flames and smoke coming out of the engine!

Didn't calm anyone down that the UK had just decided to bomb somewhere and we were on such a high security alert that there was the army out near the runway.

Landed fine and pilot said it was a technical issue and we could have flown for a while with one engine down.


Well-Known Member
I was driving down a lonely road late at night in Cornwall. Suddenly, I saw in the distance a guy standing in the middle of the road, waving his hands. I was very wary but slowed down as I approached. As I slowed down he came around to the drivers side of my car and looking at his face, he looked deranged and I saw he had an axe in his hand. So I gunned the car and took off, I've never been so freaked in my life.


Well-Known Member
As a motorcyclist i have had my fair share of lucky scrapes - one time i was in Kingston on my RD 400 - just after the station there was a 90 right 90 left - went in way to quick to the first which buggered my entry up for the second - fortunately where i ran wide there was a ramp up the kerb and i err safely mounted the pavement - was one way and no pedestrians - kerb was about a foot high and would have been chips for me !


Well-Known Member
I did not drink when i was young so always ended up driving - new years eve one time ago i was driving a car full of merry pals along a 30 limit - i saw a guy walking on the side of the road and he fell straight in front of my car like Del boy through the bar - being young and alert i manged to stop in time - i often think what might have happened if i had had a pint or i had hit him anyway - he was out of his head !


Well-Known Member
When I went to France for Euro 2016 there were a couple of rather troublesome occasions, which were obviously well publicised. I hadn't gone over for the Russia match in Marseille but knew a few guys that did and they were shit scared. Anyway, I was staying in Lille and had gone to the fan park to watch the France v Albania match on a big screen. There was a good sized English contingent there but as ever there were a fair few idiots not really causing trouble as such but acting in your classic 'Brit abroad' manner. As we left the fan park after the game we came out onto the street and glass bottles started raining down on us. This number of idiots went looking for the trouble, meanwhile I was running the other way and took refuge in a pizza shop until it calmed down.

Fast forward a couple of days and it was the day of England v Wales in Lens. Went and met up with the friends who had been in Marseille, spent the day with them drinking and got the train back to Lille after the game. In a bit of a state so decided the sensible thing to do was head back to the hostel I was staying in and ended up falling asleep. Just so happened that was the afternoon/evening when all the trouble in Lille happened, and I awoke at about 2am (having been asleep since about 6pm) to 17 missed calls off various family members who feared I'd got caught up in it all, whereas I'd slept through it.


Well-Known Member
As a motorcyclist i have had my fair share of lucky scrapes - one time i was in Kingston on my RD 400 - just after the station there was a 90 right 90 left - went in way to quick to the first which buggered my entry up for the second - fortunately where i ran wide there was a ramp up the kerb and i err safely mounted the pavement - was one way and no pedestrians - kerb was about a foot high and would have been chips for me !
Same here. Worst injury I ever managed was a broken ankle when a car pulled out of a side road straight into the side me. Stayed on the bike though because I’m such a hero. Scariest experience on a bike was doing the mountain section at the IOM TT. They close the mountain section of in one direction on mad Sunday and let you go for it. Sounds great fun on the surface of it but you’re completely surrounded by bikes and most riders seem to kid themselves they’re Joey Dunlop and ride way beyond their abilities so you get bikes overshooting bends everywhere almost swiping you out, bikes almost going in the back of you etc. It wasn’t a pleasant experience to be honest. Which was a shame because riding the rest of the course on mad Sunday was, Bray Hill coming out of Douglas, Ballagh Bridge seeing if you can get some airtime, though the iconic Parliament square, around Ramsey hairpin all very iconic and pleasurable knowing that you’re following the same path that heroes will be and then you hit the mountain section and miss all the iconic places like bungalow, across the tram rails, past Cagne Bar etc because you’re just to busy trying to keep out of other people’s way and not die.

Most embarrassing experience on a bike. Slipping on a diesel spill at the petrol pump when about to put the side stand down dropping the bike right on top of me and the bike being a GPZ 900 it was heavy and I was trapped as I couldn’t lift the bike enough to free my leg. The hot chick who worked as the cashier had to come out and help me.


Well-Known Member
As a motorcyclist i have had my fair share of lucky scrapes - one time i was in Kingston on my RD 400 - just after the station there was a 90 right 90 left - went in way to quick to the first which buggered my entry up for the second - fortunately where i ran wide there was a ramp up the kerb and i err safely mounted the pavement - was one way and no pedestrians - kerb was about a foot high and would have been chips for me !
I had some narrow escapes on my Lambretta scooter. The worst was when I innocently pulled into a lay-by and did not notice the lay-by was set about an inch higher than the road. That was enough to flip my scooter on its side and send me flying. Had a few near misses with other car-drivers just not seeing me. You don't have much manoeverability on a two-wheeler especially when braking.


Well-Known Member
two wheelers are dangerous things - one needs the maximum amount of respect - those boys who race the TT have nerves of steel - nearly lost my pillion going down the Creg he was airborne at around a 100mph on a Blackbird - i shit myself for him - i am still riding so have survived up to now !


Well-Known Member
My lambretta can just about reach 60mph downhill with a following wind........however, as its still on the old drum brakes, it takes about 15 minutes to stop the fucker.....

.....and as its still running on split-rims with inner tubes, no mirrors, no indicators & the speedo needle snapped off years ago, my lambretta offers the slowest white knuckle ride ever.:emoji_motor_scooter::emoji_fearful:


Well-Known Member
Seems like road accidents and vehicle near misses are the most dangerous incidents. Then again someone let a flare off at one of the bars inside the ground on Saturday, and if someone had been hit by that they'd be writing about that as pretty dangerous. I was just about to get served as well and they stopped serving and closed the hatch down, no sense of humour some people !


Well-Known Member
I went through the side of a camper van on my motorbike. Dozy brummie twat pulled out on me from a side road.
I woke up in the back of the camper van with a broken wrist and a few bruises. There was a hole the shape of a perfect outline of my body in the side of the camper van. Looked like something from a Loony Tunes cartoon..


Ronnie Pickering, what a legend.

The guy on the bike had a helmet on and was standing up, he could have just stuck one on him through the window and ridden off.


Well-Known Member
I've had 2 bad incidents,

I was once dragged into the toilets by a gay man who took a shining to me, lucky someone else was in there and seen I was in a world of trouble.

Seen someone have a blowout just Infront of me on the M6, went across every lane smashed into the central reservation and back again, it was surreal, everything seemed to be in slow motion.


Well-Known Member
I've had 2 bad incidents,

I was once dragged into the toilets by a gay man who took a shining to me, lucky someone else was in there and seen I was in a world of trouble.

Seen someone have a blowout just Infront of me on the M6, went across every lane smashed into the central reservation and back again, it was surreal, everything seemed to be in slow motion.
Errr not sure what to say about the first one....


I've had 2 bad incidents,

I was once dragged into the toilets by a gay man who took a shining to me, lucky someone else was in there and seen I was in a world of trouble.

Seen someone have a blowout just Infront of me on the M6, went across every lane smashed into the central reservation and back again, it was surreal, everything seemed to be in slow motion.

Christ, what happened? hopefully the guy ended up with a slap.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Hopefully he got a pasting.

I was reading about him recently. Apparently he was a decent boxer in his day and had was called one punch Ronnie or something like that.
The incident was supposedly out of character but that's the thing nowadays, make a dick of yourself and it's on Youtube forever! I fucking hate the fact there are now cameras everywhere!


I was reading about him recently. Apparently he was a decent boxer in his day and had was called one punch Ronnie or something like that.
The incident was supposedly out of character but that's the thing nowadays, make a dick of yourself and it's on Youtube forever! I fucking hate the fact there are now cameras everywhere!

On the other hand, if somebody started filming me I wouldn't be too happy.

Both bellends really.


Well-Known Member
The thing about Ronnies little episode is that the scooter rider did nothing wrong or against the law - Ronnie was pretty threatening but that scooter rider handled it very well - as someone has said cameras everywhere - saw one from a dashcam the other day - guy on a push bike throws himself to the floor in front of a car who stops with plenty of clearance, gets out and points out the dashcam - the guy gets up and scarpers


Well-Known Member
With this tragic news of the pensioner "killing" an intruder, it got me thinking about dangerous situations I've been in. When you look back at certain incidents in your life you realise how different things could have worked out. As I've mentioned before I used to get in trouble and ended up prison, not proud of that, but I deserved my punishment and got on with it. I had a fight with a cell mate who was a tough Irishman, and he got the better of me by putting his fingers in my eyes. I actually couldn't see properly for days, and my sight was affected badly.
Luckily it improved over time, but that freaked me out as thought I may have been blinded. I often think back to that crazy time in my life, and am thankful I came through it. Any incidents that make you think how mad was that ?

Having a few pints with you in the Wheatsheaf every 2 weeks a couple of seasons ago.


The thing about Ronnies little episode is that the scooter rider did nothing wrong or against the law - Ronnie was pretty threatening but that scooter rider handled it very well - as someone has said cameras everywhere - saw one from a dashcam the other day - guy on a push bike throws himself to the floor in front of a car who stops with plenty of clearance, gets out and points out the dashcam - the guy gets up and scarpers

It's not so much the dashcams, it's the cyclists who give it the "you are being filmed". Even more so when they have been utter twats and kicked off because somebody went within 10 feet of them.

Can totally understand why people have dashcams nowadays.

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