Martin Bagot @MartinBagot
Tim Fisher told me today talks with ACL and @coventrycc about far more than rent - club needs access to Ricoh revenue #ccfc #pusb
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3h Mark Egan @CovFan
@MartinBagot It sounds like one last desperate bid to find some revenue, don't think SISU negotiations are going very well.
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3h Martin Bagot @MartinBagot
@CovFan he mentioned an upcoming fans forum event when he's not expecting an easy ride. Insisted the club should not panic
SISU's sister company. In late March, at a hearing with Joy Seppala and other SISU representatives present, ARVO successfully filed a debenture (charge) against the club, which gives it first call on the club's assets in the event of liquidation. ARVO have been involved in previous liquidations of SISU ventures (as well as administrations) in order to secure assets for SISU. The debenture therefore suggests that SISU are preparing to liquidate the club so that the remaining assets go to ARVO, and then from ARVO to SISU.
Clever, so if you are working you can't attend. Hold on a minute I have a day off anyhow Cya there & thanks for info.. do invites have to be applied for?
Clever, so if you are working you can't attend. Hold on a minute I have a day off anyhow Cya there & thanks for info.. do invites have to be applied for?