This is getting like a girly facebook thing............. (The following are actual Facebook posts)
"Who's your favourite soap character?"
"So when do all u people with young children start wrapping up presents & 'placing' them under the tree ?"
"What is your all time favourite Christmas Song + why?" "What is number one on your Christmas wish list?"
"What do u do new years eve we stay in"
This is getting like a girly facebook thing............. (The following are actual Facebook posts)
"Who's your favourite soap character?"
"So when do all u people with young children start wrapping up presents & 'placing' them under the tree ?"
"What is your all time favourite Christmas Song + why?" "What is number one on your Christmas wish list?"
"What do u do new years eve we stay in"
Personally, I can't dunk my hob nobs in my tea then drink the tea afterwards, cos' it's rendered oaty and a bit oily...I only dunk chocolate digestives and custard creams, and the occasional Fox's biscuit.
The nicest biscuits I ever had were from a German deli online, can't recall what they were called (Keks something) but they were chocolatey AND buttery...num num num.
This is getting like a girly facebook thing............. (The following are actual Facebook posts)
"Who's your favourite soap character?"
"So when do all u people with young children start wrapping up presents & 'placing' them under the tree ?"
"What is your all time favourite Christmas Song + why?" "What is number one on your Christmas wish list?"
"What do u do new years eve we stay in"