First Home Game of Season V Barnsley (1 Viewer)


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Been away 3 times this season, but last night managed to get across for my first home game. Thought was amazing, such a change from previous seasons. There really is a positive feel about the Club. Loved the fact the fans are pushed together due to the stand behind the goal closed. I know the lads under the scoreboard get the odd bit of stick on here, but fair play to them they certainly get the atmosphere going. Felt a bit choked at one point when the corner started singing e i e i e i oh up the football league we go, lol. The song spread and it was just amazing to feel that going through the fans. such a long time that we felt we could sing that with real meaning. I felt the second half we lost our way, ref was shocking was a handball for there 2nd and he missed so much. but this new city dug in and got the job done.
Looking forward to many more at home hopefully and maybe even a promotion party by the seaside in blackpool ?

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