I really think people need to focus on the actual financial explanation of how building a new stadium benefits both SISU and CCFC.
The figures do not add up.
The press and the fans groups need to really push this angle.
Especially now in comparison to the various rent offers made by ACL.
Even if you look at the worse rent offer CCFC are still financially more viable under it.
Challenge our owners to produce the figures.
If you reject a rent offer and move us to a ground share. With the plan of building a new stadium.
You do it based on estimated figures. In order to justify the plan.
What are these estimated figures.
Once we have these figures say 25 million to build a new stadium. 3 million a year loses over 5 years at Northampton.
So 40 million to end up with a stadium arguably less valuable than the Ricoh.
Get these figures they serve two points.
That a long rent deal maybe a better option for SISU and CCFC.
Or if SISU are going for the new stadium then they should offer at least the cost to build the new stadium for the Ricoh so they can get back to Coventry straight away and try and sell the business ASAP.
Don't need to focus on it, I had already worked the farcical figures out as soon as they announced it. Doesn't make sense for CCFC, might for them though.
Don't need to focus on it, I had already worked the farcical figures out as soon as they announced it. Doesn't make sense for CCFC, might for them though.
However we now these these fans groups when they sit down with SISU representatives to not get fobbed off and actually get to the crux if the figures even if they are estimates.
Also the telegraph and the nationals need to ask these questions.
However we now these these fans groups when they sit down with SISU representatives to not get fobbed off and actually get to the crux if the figures even if they are estimates.
Also the telegraph and the nationals need to ask these questions.