So I've just torn down my old shed and want to replace it with a built in storage bench, like attached to the house wall with space to store stuff in.
I'd also like a few other bits done around the garden.
Is this the sort of thing a landscape gardener would do, or do you need to hire an actual carpenter? Anyone got any ideas what it'd cost or who to ask about this? Any recommendations?
I reckon I could do it. But the wife remembers when I said that about installing a bathroom (to my credit we only needed one leak fixing by a plumber and only one set of taps are in the wrong way round)
I've got the Eden, store the patio seat covers in it, and acts as a seat too
Reason was I had a wooden table, and had to treat the damned thing every spring. Nothing seemed to stop it "weathering". So, went plastic for the storage.