CovInEssex Well-Known Member Yesterday at 6:36 PM #386 pusbccfc said: Do many away fans go into Dhillon's these days? Click to expand... Saw 1 Stoke shirt, probably a few others without colours on keeping themselves to themselves
pusbccfc said: Do many away fans go into Dhillon's these days? Click to expand... Saw 1 Stoke shirt, probably a few others without colours on keeping themselves to themselves
bigfatronssba Well-Known Member Yesterday at 7:20 PM #387 chiefdave said: Sadly it looks like normal service is resumed next week. Click to expand... I genuinely think the weather does have an effect on the atmosphere
chiefdave said: Sadly it looks like normal service is resumed next week. Click to expand... I genuinely think the weather does have an effect on the atmosphere
Shannerz Well-Known Member Yesterday at 7:52 PM #388 COVKIDSNEVERQUIT said: Some games on Sky+ and ifollow all you can hear is the commentators. Click to expand... The Sky+ games they're not there; they're commentating on the television pictures. It sounds terrible. I wish they'd give you the option to watch without commentary.
COVKIDSNEVERQUIT said: Some games on Sky+ and ifollow all you can hear is the commentators. Click to expand... The Sky+ games they're not there; they're commentating on the television pictures. It sounds terrible. I wish they'd give you the option to watch without commentary.