There should be no embargo as there is no guarantee there is in fact a take-over imminent or if so of a take over concluding before the window closes and so SISU must hunt with the hare and run with the hounds. We cannot put everything on hold, miss any opportunity for player trading this window, just because Hoffman may or may not be fronting an investor. SISU must make the most of this transfer window and allow the manager the sell / buy as he sees fit within the financial confines imposed upon him. And before the pro-Hoffman camp start firing away, I am just pointing out a simple fact of business and not looking to support or berate SISU for it.
don't think it would be an embargo in the same sense as the ones imposed by the league but if talks were in any way advanced there may well be an agreement between the two parties for no players to be sold.
Just supposing I had the money to take over the club, why would I pay good money now when in all probability I could wait a couple of months and pick up the club for a song?