Funnily enough days out to Crawley and Torquay could be a lot of fun, but importantly we should never look down on them thinking that all we have to do is turn up, because if thats going to be our attitude we will lose far more than we will win ,just for the simple reason that they have earnt the right to be in Division 1 more than we have, and we should show them respect for that alone.Most of these clubs have there house in order financially ,something we have not, so thinking we are the big club won't wash with them and we will feel the backlash.
We got here by rank bad management and incompetance of the highest order, so who are we to judge them. Yes it will be strange, but i feel the skyblue army will enjoy it immensely, and every game will be battle after battle, but if we do get out of this league first time we will have earnt it by never giving up. I have confidence that this time next year we shall be saying how enjoyable its been and hopefully have more fans on our side in the anti-SISU fight.
We can not expect to go to places like these thinking we will win because i can assure you we will get beat, we will have to fight every inch to get out of the division, a fight i'm sure we will win with investment,wether that comes is doubtful but you never know.
We are where we are purely down to SISU and ther gross incompetance, but i feel we will all enjoy next season a bit more than we think, so heads up boys and lets get on with it.
The Rev