If you look at the first ten home games this season compared to the first ten last season then the total crowds from those ten games are down by approximately 16500. At say £18 per ticket that equates to close to £300k lost income. I think most would agree that we have made significant savings in wages over the season so far dont know how much but say £600K maybe more?
Should have had income from Turner, Gunnar, Dann etc (£1.2m?) also but spent on McDonald (£400k)
Still means losses overall but perhaps the lower crowds are not hitting as hard as we might think? Perhaps the pressure created on SISU by falling attendances is not as great as we might hope, unfortunately
If you look at the first ten home games this season compared to the first ten last season then the total crowds from those ten games are down by approximately 16500. At say £18 per ticket that equates to close to £300k lost income. I think most would agree that we have made significant savings in wages over the season so far dont know how much but say £600K maybe more?
Should have had income from Turner, Gunnar, Dann etc (£1.2m?) also but spent on McDonald (£400k)
Still means losses overall but perhaps the lower crowds are not hitting as hard as we might think? Perhaps the pressure created on SISU by falling attendances is not as great as we might hope, unfortunately
I think everyone hopes so sub, but perhaps so far it hasnt hurt as much as it will by the end of the season.
Just taken a guess at £18 on average for both years kg82. It is hard to factor in price changes, free tickets, packages etc. Point was making is that the expense savings will exceed the lost income and that income decrease whilst not good isnt catastrophic
it all knocks on tho doesn't it. after relegation there will be another drop in crowds, not to mention season ticket sales. They may well have to put prices down as well. Add on lost TV revenue and as and when sponsor or advertising renewal comes up that will be at a lower rate.
If I were SISU I'd be more worried about relegation than the downturn in crowds at the moment. Of course they may not plan to be here next season in which case they won't be bothered about relegation!
I think its one of two scenarios Dave - a: slash costs so to keep running costs down this season to minimize losses and then sell off everything thats not nailed down as they are buggering off at end of season and therefore don't care if we go down or b: slash and cut get relegated and then more slashing and cutting, dwindling crowds more slashing and cutting and a continual downward spiral. I sincerely hope that the Council and Higgs Charity spell it out in big letters and simple words that Ken can understand and can relay to his masters that ACL is NOT for sale to them and that might make them realise that they have no realistic option but to cut their losses and sell up for a sensible price and accept they will have to take a haircut (Oh how Radio 2 is upping my vocabulary !)
Chris Cattlin talking to the BBC down in Brighton last weekend.
"We need all the Coventry fans and the people to still hang on in there and still get behind them. It's easy to support a team that's winning every week but it's the clue to a great supporter when you can come when they're not doing so well."