Coventry La La La
New Member (Full Story with Video) "2 Members of the Coventry Legion "
"Phil" and his brother "John" are both in their early 20s. John got his first football banning order when he was 17.
Despite being Coventry City fans, neither of them will be able to go to a football match until they are almost 30.
"Phil" has been banned for eight years and "John" for 10. They were both convicted of
football-related violence after being involved in a fight involving up to 100 Coventry and
Leicester fans in 2008.
Proud members of the club's hooligan "firm", the Coventry Legion, they got involved in football violence when they were 14.
Despite the damage they have done to the reputation of Coventry City they see themselves as the true fans of the club.
"Football hooligans may not be true fans to you, we're there every game. What are you doing? 'Oh lets sit at home on the chat boards slagging off how bad Coventry City are doing.' Come back when you know what you are talking about."
"We're prepared to fight whether it's windy, snowy, rainy, we're prepared to fight every weekend through the football season for Coventry City and for everything they represent."
"I definitely think we're treated worse than paedophiles. Okay, paedophiles have to sign a register for so long, but they don't have to go through what we have to go through.
"They don't have to go down the police station at eight o'clock at night after working a 12 hour shift to go sign their football banning card."