John Mutton I salute you (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Thank you for clearing this up.

COUNCIL says NO to SISU...


Please continue to email the mps etc. The email chain is somewhere in the forum.

Mr Admin - any chance we can put it towards the top of the bb?

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
What have they said no to? Are you sure? Clr Mutton can say what he feels but legal challenges aside he should be careful when speaking on TV on behalf of the council. I can't say I blame him for his view but a lot of people put into that stadium and that includes CCFC in one form or another. CCFC legal rights are intact. It's not a dictatorship however Cllr Mutton might think.
I back his sentiment completely and hope it only adds to the pressure for SISU to go but the reality is there are no new investors around and if there were there is no telling they could be any better or worse than the current lot. The council must deal with what's in front of them.
He is in fact only making things worse for the club he loves by being so indifferent which would make SISU and any other investor less likely to support the club.


Well-Known Member
I agree, Mutton is a typical council buffoon in my view. Anything for cheap publicity...which he has got.

Walking Bird

New Member
Hmm Mutton is a City fan & has said what we all can see that sisu have no idea how to run a football club. If investment had been forthecoming the council may have been more willing to look at ownership % .
Of course local politicians look for an issue to get behind aka Lucas with King last year!
Facts are that the fool that is Orange Ken announced in that ill fated press conference he wanted part ownership of the Ricoh to be able to mortgage it straight away. No wonder the council have turned around & said fuck off!


Well-Known Member
more fuel to the fire,
'jm' merely echoes the thoughts of thousands,
what part of the words, GET OUT OF OUR CLUB, do s*su not understand,
the pathetic 'acknowledgement statement',
is more testimony to their abysmal understanding of just how 'crass' they are,
whilst understanding that no alternatives are at present acknowledged, (probably because they choose to sideline / dismiss),
thus, we, CCFC FANS, are kept 'as mushrooms',
and why ?
i suspect because they ****, are shifting their focus,
a good move to get a quality player into the fold, (oh for 1 month only ?)
a worrying move though, that there is still a zero level of explanation of the mystical 30m investment ?
or indeed the future of OUR club,



Well-Known Member
i dont know if this has been said before ,but we dont know who the backers of sisu are,(iknow that has been said before)

so what is to stop them coming in saying they are NEW investors and not sisu. and then buying the stadium anyway.. the council will think they have not sold to sisu and sisu will be laughing because they have pulled the wool over the councils eyes. maybe this is why the otium group has been set up


CCFC Finance Director
Well said Mr Mutton!

We have SISU because successive Boards of Directors mismanaged the club to the brink of bankruptcy four years ago. Without that there would be no SISU. SISU are not here because of the council - they are here because after years of financial disaster they were the only bidders acceptable to the major creditors of CCFC (the council & ACL were not the biggest creditors so did not control the process - thats a key to how insolvency works)

The alternative bid (there was only one alternative) was from a consortium headed by GR which according to all reports lacked credibility and a formulated plan. GR says the council wouldnt work with them - is it any wonder when one of the investors reportedly accused of fraud ...... and the consortium was headed/represented by GR - a director of CCFC closely involved in creating the clubs financial mess in the first place!

The Conservative element on the council didnt want any involvement in the Ricoh to begin with and councillors like Mutton had to fight tooth and nail to get it built. However Mr Mutton has to be a little careful that personal opinion does not influence his duties to the council. Why after such major investment and years of success should either of the shareholders give the stadium away to the long term financial disaster that is CCFC?

Of course ACL, Council, Charity have an input - of course along the way they have made mistakes. However without them there would be no arena that is a benefit to the whole community not just CCFC. Given what folk know of the financial management at CCFC over the years does any one think that CCFC could have done anywhere as good a job of promoting the Ricoh and our City ? Over whelming evidence of the past says not

Contrary to the popular opinion of many here, who blame all and sundry including Council Higgs Charity and ACL, the culprits for the whole saga that has led the club to its current state are the directors of Coventry City Football Club over the last 15 + years.

I find it gob smacking the naiivety of some who seek to blame the Council, ACl, Higgs Trust etc for all our woes based on little snippets of information leaked to the press etc by the very people the fans hate most - the Board and owners of CCFC ! Ask yourself why they and on the other side folk like Robinson want you all to believe its all the Councils fault or at least someone elses fault - couldnt have anything to do with self interest could it perhaps !!!!???

Dont get me wrong the Council has and will make mistakes, everyone and all organisations do. But isnt it about time the Board of directors past and present grew some balls and took responsibility for the mess that they (no one else) created !!! A little humility and honest self analysis together with a bloody great apology to the fans from all of them would not go amiss - not too much to ask for now is it ?

or in reality do not one of those directors (past or present) truly value the fans that continue to support & pay for our failing club ?????

clearly not
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Well-Known Member
The council will be very unlikely to sell the actual stadium as they would have to sell the complex at a fair market value which conservatively would be around £75m - £100m and cannot see that in these economic times being too many taker at that price. ACL however might be a different matter as the council see's no actual income from this investment as ACL is paying off the £20m loan and reinvesting all other profits back into the stadium so no dividends are being paid. Obviously long term ACL will start making sufficient profits to start paying dividends to Higgs Charity and Council so it will depend on how long term the council is looking. As for not selling their 50% stake in ACL to SISU, Mutton is 100% right. The council are the landlord and SISU would be the tenant, currently that tenant is being very good and investing back into the infrastucture, improving the landlords assets but if these tenants came in and started simply doing everything on a shoe string and keeping all profits for themselves then the councils asset would start losing value. That is why they are going to be careful as to who they allow to be the tenant and judged on their track record could anyone see SISU as being great tenants?


Well-Known Member
I hate politicians in general, but particularly local ones. I'd like to to see him dressed as a lamb.


Well-Known Member
All politicians these days are self interested self serving parasites (maybe Ken should run for PM). In the past, whether you agreed with their politics or not people like Wilson, Thatcher, Foot, Castle, Tebbit etc all actually believed in their politics and tried to make a difference because they cared (misguidedly in many cases) about the country but today could someone tell me the difference between Clegg, Cameron and Milliband? Same prep school, same school, same university, same no career progress into politics - makes no difference who you vote for you will end up with a plastic pig with his snout in the collective trough.


Well-Known Member
Not Thatcher. Evil. Destroyed this country and its industry.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I hate politicians in general, but particularly local ones. I'd like to to see him dressed as a lamb.

Become one then. Be the change you want to see. If you're not willing to engage in the process you can't bitch about it.


Well-Known Member
Like I said forgetting their politics even Thatcher was doing what she thought was best for the country, whether you think she was right or wrong isn't the argument, she did it because she believed in it. The plastic politicians these days do it for themselves and don't care about the country. She really thought she was doing right by the country, obviously today we are fucked as a country as we have no manufacturing industry and are beholden to the corrupt banks due to her policies but like I said she did it because she believed in it.


Well-Known Member
i think what is clear is that whatever bullshit SISU spout... Council/Acl/Higgs are not interested in dealing with SISU.
i think what is clear is that whatever bullshit SISU spout... Council/Acl/Higgs are not interested in dealing with SISU.

Think thats the bottom line and cant blame them. Fair play to you mutton for saying what WE ALL HAVE said on here. And for people still going on about gr wasnt most of he debt wrote off

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