If they did then Sisu or ACL or buyer of the club or administrator are bound to ask the question 'why did you allow the Golden Share to stay with CCFC ltd and allow the registrations to go to another entity?' Could land them in lots of legal bother as it would technically and legally be their fault for creating this issue
I'm beginning to wonder this. Could sisu have pulled a leicester and exploited an unlegislated loophole - the league want to punish us but know it would be open to legal challenge. Could we get away with it and the league close the loophole to stop others trying it on?
It would not be the first time the FL has fucked up, but their normal way out is to either change or strengthen the rules to suit them and hammer the club that has put them in that position............
Example 1 Luton Town 30 points
Example 2 Boston United: Relegated an addition league and then docked another set of points in season 3
When admin first happened - PWKH said something interesting - that Fisher and Sepalla could have released something that would change football - Bosmanesque
What was he referring to
What does he know that we dont??
In an earlier post I said that there would be no end of twists and turns before this saga is ended. This is another twist or maybe a turn. We need to see how far the statement matches up with the facts. This can't be done until business hours. We will then discuss the situation with our advisers, sort out what is what and then make a statement. There is no point in our saying anything more at the moment because things just don't add up. I am afraid that it is a night of speculation, rumour, the creation of myths and certainly nothing of substance. If what has been touched on in the statement is what it appears to say, the ramifications will touch all English football. I hope that Seppala and Fisher understand the genie they have just released. Nothing more to be done or said until tomorrow.